What similarities and differences can you see in 'The Thought-Fox' and 'Digging' in terms of ideas, language, structure, and rhythm / rhyme?- How might these aspects affect any reading of the poem?

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Danielle Kriger         Wordsworth Upper         L6

What similarities and differences can you see in ‘The Thought-Fox’ and ‘Digging’ in terms of ideas, language, structure, and rhythm / rhyme?

- How might these aspects affect any reading of the poem?

I found that one of the most significant similarities between ‘The Thought-Fox’ by Ted Hughes and ‘Digging’ by Seamus Heaney, was how the poets in question talked about their writing process, their creative process in the poem itself. In each poem the voice of the poet is easily distinguished, as they are both written in the first person. This is a most superlative way for the creator of the poems to write about what they see directly, to relate their experiences and memories to the reader directly. They write about the scenes which they can see through their “window” and at the same time involve the senses in these poems which helps make a connection with any reader of the poem as it stimulates the imagination. This approach makes for a powerful piece.

To continue, one of the similarities between these two poems, is that in each case the poet is trying to voice an experience, a viewpoint or a conclusion, that will cause a reaction (of different sorts) in the reader, using specific writing techniques like half-rhyme which was used by Ted Hughes (for example the two words “fox” and “stinks”).

The second similarity is that both poets use the idea of nature to emphasise their poems but in subtly different ways. For example in ‘The Thought-Fox’ the idea of nature is more figurative as opposed to the literal and unambiguous facts of nature (farming), given in ‘Digging’, such as the use of technical terms like ‘lug’ and ‘shaft’ to help with the description of the processes the poets father and grandfather went through during their farming. The idea of a process is also present in ‘The Thought-Fox’, it is the thought processes, the process of thinking; coming up with ideas themselves.

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Another relationship between the two poems is that both authors are contemplating certain issues which they have concluded by the closing stages of the poem. It is possible that the conclusion for one issue may had been reached already by the poet at the beginning of ‘Digging’ but it is not finalized until the end. The issue this writer has is that of failure, it is clear that the poet holds an immense amount of respect for his elders and their specialized abilities but possibly has felt as if he never lived up to their expectations because his skills ...

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