Which Character Did Mary Shelley Intend For The Reader to Have Most Sympathy On: Frankenstein or His Creation?

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Which character did Mary Shelley intend the reader to have the most sympathy for: Frankenstein or his creation?

The novel “Frankenstein” was written in 1818 by Mary Shelley; in places it adheres to, and in places effectively subverts the conventions of Gothic fiction. The said subversions create tension and a sense of defamiliarisation in a reader, this is effectual in creating a sense of unease but can be a little disconcerting all the same; much like the calm before the storm.  I believe that when Mary Shelley wrote ‘Frankenstein’, she intended for the sympathy of the reader to be evoked in favour of the protagonist Victor Frankenstein in preference to his antagonistic creation; although this character is habitually referred to sympathetically. In the novel, Frankenstein loses his mother to scarlet fever at an early age which clearly devastates his character and instils in him a sense of unwavering defiance towards his ultimate goal of instilling life upon a deceased being. Whilst at university, he creates a creature from scavenged human body parts and manages to give life to it; he achieves this amazing feat without thinking much of the possible consequences of his actions. Frankenstein’s creation is, up until the point of its animation, not described in detail. This could possibly symbolise Frankenstein’s unwavering faith in the fact that his creation would be pure and good, and his tendency to bury his head in the sand when he has a goal in his mind.

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Once the creature has been given life, Frankenstein seems to get a metaphorical slap in the face and sees his creation in a new and terrifying light. Through a combination of prejudice against the physically repulsive and cruel intentions, Frankenstein’s creation becomes a social outcast and takes out his grief and anger on Frankenstein’s young brother, William. A family friend is implicated in the murder and is subsequently hung at the gallows. After Frankenstein refuses to create a female partner for his creation, it goes on to kill everyone Frankenstein holds dear; including his best friend Henry Clerval and the ...

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This essay shows an articulate, well informed understanding of the novel and the context it was written in. With more frequent quotations, concise narration and more emphasis on our response to the creation, it would have achieved a top grade. ****