Why does Hamlet delay his revenge?

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                Stephanie Ko, L6

Why does Hamlet delay his revenge?

        There have been many reasons put forth for Hamlet’s apparent delay in seeking revenge. Many believe that Hamlet does not take immediate action because Hamlet’s character is one of contemplation and melancholy; not action. Because of these traits, Hamlet needs evidence and assurance that Claudius really has killed Old Hamlet. Another argument is that subconsciously Hamlet may not want to kill Claudius because of the Oedipus complex. Others however have proposed a more practical explanation: Hamlet would like to make Claudius’ death more painful and ruthless than Old Hamlet’s. Shakespeare could have delayed Hamlet’s revenge on purpose because by delaying the revenge, he is satisfying his Elizabethan audience and categorizing ‘Hamlet’ as a ‘tragedy’. Similarly, Hamlet’s delay could be seen as a flaw and like all tragic heroes Hamlet must have a fault in order to classify him as a ‘tragic hero’.

        Hamlet’s philosophical nature allows him to question the Ghost’s existence and collect evidence before acting which delays Claudius’ death. Hamlet’s initial response is to trust the Ghost and act quickly when he says “Haste me to know’t that I with wings as swift. May sweep to my revenge” in Act I scene vi. However by Act II scene ii he doubts the Ghost and thinks that “the spirit I may have seen may be a devil”. Until Hamlet is certain of Claudius’ murder, he will not act. This is proved in Act III, scene iii when Claudius is praying. Hamlet has the opportunity to act but chooses not to. He claims that he does not take action because if he does, Claudius will go to heaven since he is in the act of repent and Hamlet feels that Claudius deserves worse. If Hamlet did act when he had the chance to, allowing Claudius to die in a holy state, Hamlet would not be satisfied, thereby allowing him to stay in a state of malcontent. Ironically, Claudius was not able to repent so if Hamlet had acted, Claudius would not have gone to heaven.

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Hamlet’s character is initially one of procrastination and he does not act or plan his revenge until he learns, whilst on his way to England that Claudius is plotting against him.  He then starts to plot his revenge and thus the ‘play within a play’ emerges.

        However Hamlet could be using that as an excuse not to kill because subconsciously he feels that Claudius is the man that he would like to be. The Oedipus complex suggests that Hamlet, or every man, would like to kill their father and sleep with their mother. Claudius has done both of these ...

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