Why is Antony a more effective speaker than Brutus?

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Ida Patera        English Literature        Jerudong International School

12SFHS        Julius Caesar        Mr. Denby

Why is Antony a more effective speaker than Brutus?

        Both Antony and Brutus uses the same persuasive devices in their speech. They both use repetition and rhetorical questions; however they also use other persuasive devices to make their speech effective. Though both are good speakers, what makes Antony more effective is that he appeals more to the Roman people’s emotions rather then their rationality.

        Antony comes effectively halfway through Brutus’s speech and carries Caesar’s body with him. Already he has the crowd’s attention. Though it seems that Brutus has won the public’s opinion, Antony is able to persuade them to see it from his point of view. Brutus has tried to win the public by speaking in prose in order to make him seem equal to the plebeians; in contrast Antony speaks in verse which is more effective as it would sound much more interesting. He is also very careful and manipulative with his speech as he makes sure that he is able to go on with it long enough to sway the public’s opinion towards him.

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        Antony effectively uses repetition in his speech. Constantly he mentions Brutus to be an ‘honourable man.’ By repeating Brutus to be honourable, as the plebeians are convinced he is, Antony is able to make it sound worthless as it begins to sound tiresome and so causes the plebeians to question Brutus nobility. Antony also repeats the word ‘ambition’. He reminds the crowd that Brutus said Caesar ‘was ambitious’ and points out to facts to them that contradicts this such as the ‘kingly crown which [Caesar] thrice refuse’ and how Caesar had bought money to the state. To make these ...

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This is an accomplished commentary, which highlights interesting techniques used by Antony and examines the crowd's response. To achieve a higher grade, a detailed, comparative analysis of Brutus' techniques should have been included. ***