Why smoking should be banned throughout the UK

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Why smoking should be banned throughout the world

Dear reader, I am going to explain to you why I strongly believe that smoking should be made illegal, and banned globally.

If you know someone who smokes and you’ve ever had to spend any time with them, in a confined space, then you will know exactly what I’m talking about when I say how disgusting it is to have to sit by someone on a bus or in a car if they are a smoker. It ends up with not only them smelling of stale smoke but you too.

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I really cannot understand why someone would deliberately do something to there body which is going to send them to an early grave, and yes I know some people have grandparents or friends who have been smoking for years and have never encountered any problems. Yes, that may be the case for that lucky few but it’s not for the vast majority of people.

Cancer is in most families. It is a horrific disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every year. Yes, people do die of cancer every year that is nothing to do ...

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