Why Video Games Aren't As Bad As You Think

Authors Avatar by rojeux123gmailcom (student)

Have you ever not believed your parent when they told you something? Or argued back? Most of us have before. Most of us also like video games. And most parents say they're bad for you. But video games can be just as good as bad, if not better.

 Today’s generation prefers to play video games or computer games, as a form of entertainment. However, besides all the cool and colourful graphics, the fantastic music, and the intriguing and exciting plots, which can attract for those played them. Did you know that there may be some other benefits to playing video games? Believe it or not, scientific research confirms video games are good for you.

 I know, it’s hard to wrap your head around such a fact after years of listening to “Don’t sit too close to the TV, you’ll ruin your eyes,” or “Stop wasting your time playing video games—go outside!” But some research from a few credible sources shows that a lot of what makes video games fun is also good for your brain and body.

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To start, there’s evidence that video games improve our memory and our visual navigational skills. A 2015 study from the University of California compared people who played video games to people who did not. They found that people who played 3D games performed better at memory tasks than people who played 2D games like Angry Birds and people who didn’t play video games at all. They also took a group of non-gamers and split them up into three groups, making the first group play a 3D game, the second play a 2D game and the third play no games at ...

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