'Winston Smith Needs O'Brien' in the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

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Roumyana Mihailova 11/2

30th November 2003

‘Winston Smith Needs O’Brien’

In the novel 1984 George Orwell pictures a monstrous world of tyranny. One of the themes he explores deals with the way an individual perceives his life in such a world. In the world in 1984 loneliness meets despair, hatred allies with brutality, and one has no choice but to find a way out of that nightmare in order to survive. Winston Smith, the main character, chooses self-delusion as an escape from the horrible reality. In the beginning O’Brien is just an object of Winston’s attempt to believe that there is someone like him, another man who is surreptitiously against the Party. Smith thinks that O’Brien will understand him and help him change his life. Ironically, O’Brien really saves Winston from the nightmare of reality, by making him accept it and even love it.

Winston Smith is a concealed outcast. He behaves as a Party member while hating the principles and doctrines of the Party.  In his consciousness Smith is alone against society - a thinking individual facing a deceived mass of people who (za mass may e that ama ne sam ubedena)blindly love the(misliq che ne trqbva da go ima izob6to) Big Brother.  Winston realizes that to be an outsider in a world in which individuality is a crime is dangerous.  He asks himself if he is “alone in the possession of memory” because he does not want to believe that everybody is deluded, that all the people like to be controlled by the Party (Orwell p.62). Even in “the age of solitude” there must be other intelligent men (Orwell p.30)… Only an intelligent person can understand that sometimes the majority in the face of society might be wrong.

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Winston, being a concealed outcast, feels lonely. He is longing for a soul mate, a friend, someone who would understand him. Winston wants to meet another concealed outcast that would be against the Party. O’Brien is an Inner Party member. It is not difficult to guess that he is not unorthodox. Paradoxically, Winston decides that exactly O’Brien is the collaborator he needs:

He felt deeply drawn to him (…) because of a

secretly-held belief – or perhaps not even a belief, merely a hope- that O’Brien’s political orthodoxy was not perfect.    

(Orwell p.13)

Smith’s belief is ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay


Perfectly fine. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are all adequate which is to be expected. This candidate also emplys a concise and effective structure which helps demonstrate his understanding of Orwell's work.

This candidate evaluates and analyses the text fairly well, using quotations and evidence to back up any previously stated points. Their examination of O'Brien in particular is extensive and thorough which shows a heightened understanding of both the text and Orwell's supposed intentions.

An interesting take on the role of O'Brien and his interaction with Winston within 1984. This candidate discusses their relationship and its wider significance within the novel's plot. Overall, an effective and detailed answer to the question which remains both varied and organised.