After examining the village Leah walked through the town with stares following her every move. People mumbled harsh whispers. You could tell she wasn’t wanted in this village even though it seems so perfect.
A week or two after Leah’s arrival a village meeting was called in the little village hall. Leah entered feeling apprehensive about meeting the village folk but she was determined to make a good impression. The whole hall was basically staring at her so it was a relief for her when the village crier began to speak. His talk went on for ages it seemed liked to Leah. Every now and again someone would turn back and stare at Leah as though she was something strange. The town crier suddenly announced
“There has been three deaths in our village! A girl, a man and a boy have died”
No one spoke. The atmosphere became really tense. Outside it began to rain really hard. No one knew how they died. The village people were healthy normally. Everyone became suspicious. Leah began getting even more stares now. Finally people began to talk but the town crier called for quite
“The individuals died so suddenly. They didn’t have any sickness. The girl died in Green Lane she was just walking and passed away so quickly, she just fell down. The man and boy did exactly the same thing. It’s so awful but very peculiar,” said the crier
Leah began feeling dizzy and weak. She didn’t like all the talk about deaths so she went home Leah began working with her herbs on something. It was her favourite hobby to work with her herbs every night trying to achieve her goal that she set out to do but she was even more eager to achieve it after she found out about the deaths.
She went out that night after she found out about the deaths to work with her equipment She worked many hours with her finest materials trying to get the substances in the bottles just right. Quickly she cut the herbs. The mysterious Leah began mumbling to herself without taking a breath. She was very passionate about her work
The moon was soaring in the night sky and shone dazzlingly over the clear lake. The air was cool and there was a slight breeze. Leah was wearing jet-black clothing and a lengthy clock with the hood up.
Two tough men were on the look at for any out of the ordinary things going on in the night. They saw the mysterious Leah by the lake and approached cautiously .The lake had a bizarre odour about it. As soon as the two males came to the lake the scent went straight up their noses causing them to nearly be sick.
Leah looked like she was in a world of her own .The two men heard her mumbling grow more rapidly and next second it got louder and louder and faster until she stopped dead. Leah saw them and fled. The males shouted, “Witch, witch!”
Leah ran into her house trying to get her breath back and wondering if she had just been called a witch. She thought to herself she hadn’t done anything-wrong .She felt exhausted and angry and she decided to worry about the village people tomorrow so she went to bed.
Meanwhile the village was awoken by the announcement. They were fearful and furious to find out that eerie Leah was a witch. They were ready to get her. The village didn’t want a witch in their wholesome place. The air became very unsettled. Tempers were rising high and the night seemed livid. The wind whistled noisily. The heavy rain was thundering so hard it was like a stampede of animals running. Little children became petrified at the thought of a witch in the village.
The heated village crowded around Leah’s house. They thundered and shouted at the door. People were going mad with anger everyone wanted Leah dead. Inside the house Leah didn’t understand what they wanted with her? She was pale with worry. There was anything she could do so hesitantly she opened the door instantly there were cries of “Witch, witch!”
The village people grabbed her and pulled at her. The only think that could be heard that night was “Witch, witch!”
They burnt Leah. The livid mob processed to her house to burn her things. The crowd entered her house and found medicines to cure different types of illness. Each bottle was labelled with the cure of a different illness. There was silence. The suspicious people had killed an innocent woman.