With Reference to "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" By Robert Louis Stevenson, explore how Stevenson presents the notion of the duality of man. How does this reflect the era in which it was written?

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With Reference to “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” By Robert Louis Stevenson, explore how Stevenson presents the notion of the duality of man. How does this reflect the era in which it was written?

When Robert Louis Stevenson first wrote "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", it was received with mixed emotions of shock and horror.  The people who read it were used to his previous work which was much more tame and controversial; such as “Treasure Island” which is now a well know childhood story. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a Victorian gothic horror, which were known for being dark and for their use of formal dialogue, which often had metaphoric representation on the social conventions of the day. Stevenson’s book explores the ideas of the duality of man and the debates between religion and science for the origin of man which is then in turn affected by the differences between the classes of the time period.

When Stevenson wrote “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, it was a time of new discoveries and the industrial revolution, and science developments such as Darwin’s theory of evolution. This then caused conflict between the men of science and of religion, the religious side being in uproar from Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and the defiance of God. It was also a time of medical discovery, with grave robbers and body snatchers stealing bodies for medical advances, most famously Burke and Hare, as this was the only way for doctors to get the bodies they needed to further their knowledge.

We see Jekyll as two people, he was seen as wholesome and good, behind closed doors and entirely different to others. This is what Stevenson wanted to portray; the class divisions with the wealth, luxury, and power of an educated upper class. But when the public weren’t watching and the doors were closed, these images and masks of the upper class vanished along with Jekyll; they turned into something completely different- Hyde. Hyde, his alter ego, indulged his every whim, and did whatever he wanted without the though of responsibility or consequence.

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Stevenson presented this duality of man within the same person, showing the differences that there can be between public and private life. At the time when Stevenson wrote “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, there was a great divide between the classes, even when they lived in such close quarters and we see this in the houses both men live in, Jekyll in a nice house but Hyde living in a slum around the corner. The working classes were the unfortunate, working many hours of the day, drinking gin well into the night to forget the reality of their lives. ...

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