I would like to take this opportunity to say a few things that are on my mind about alcohol. Before I begin, however, I would like it to be known that I have tasted alcohol before; however, unlike some others, I drink responsibly. Please keep this in mind as you consider that I am writing in support of the non - drinker.
Believe it or not, I used to run scared at the sight, or even smell, of alcohol. I had absolutely no interest in drinking. I mean, why should I? I always enjoyed myself without drinking alcohol, and I just never really saw a point in doing it. However, there was one other reason that I avoided those alcoholic drinks, and that reason was my father. For twelve long years of my life, my entire childhood to be exact, my father drank alcohol and then took his anger out on my family and me. I saw his distorted face, heard his drunken voice, and felt the hurt as he verbally abused us all. As a child, I knew what was behind my beloved father's anger: alcohol.