Write about how Shakespeare uses dramatic technique and language to create an atmosphere of evil and suspense in the first three scenes of Macbeth, and how he prepares the audience for what happens in the rest of the play.

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Write about how Shakespeare uses dramatic technique and language to create an atmosphere of evil and suspense in the first three scenes of Macbeth, and how he prepares the audience for what happens in the rest of the play.

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays and has been in acted several times in theatres and plays. Shakespeare wrote two types of plays, comedies and tragedies. Macbeth is one of the shortest tragedies written by Shakespeare. It was written between 1603 and 1607, during the reign of King James 1 of England. Evidence suggests that Macbeth was written by command as one of the plays to be given before King James and the King of Scotland during the latter’s visit to England in 1606.

Shakespeare based some characters in the play (Macbeth, Mac duff and Duncan) roughly o records of real people in Holinshed’s Chronicles, a history book from 1587. However, the things that happen in the play are very different to what happened in real life.

The play begins with a trio of witches who are reading the future and also casting spells, it is uncertain whether they are seeing the future and are, casting spells to make the events of the future come true. The play then moves on to a military camp of Scottish King Of Duncan where he hears the news that his generals Macbeth and Banquo have defeated two separate invading armies, one from Ireland and the other from Norway. Following their battle with the enemy forces, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches. The witches tell Macbeth that one day, he will be King, stunned and intrigued, Macbeth pressurises them for more details. They ignore Macbeth and then move onto Banquo and while speaking to him in riddles, tell him that he will never be King, but his sons will definitely sit on the throne. After announcing each one of their futures, the witched disappear into thin air. Macbeth and Banquo continue their journey discussing the predictions that the witches had made. Macbeth was not concerned as to what Banquo had to say, he was lost in his own thoughts as to whether the reign would fall to him or whether he would have to perform some dark, dangerous deed to gain the crown.

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As Macbeth and Banquo enter the Kings Palace, they are profusely honoured for their heroism in the battle. King Duncan then announces his intention to make his son, Malcolm the heir to the throne, Macbeth declares his joy but notes that Malcolm now stands between him and the crown.

The next scene shows that Macbeth writes Lady Macbeth a letter and tells her all about his encounter with the witches. Lady Macbeth feels that Macbeth is very ambitious but fears that he is full of human kindness. Lady Macbeth was very greedy and advised Macbeth to do whatever he ...

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Some of the sentences near the end of the candidate’s essays seem to be random ideas taken from other peoples work. I must remind you that coping the work of others is plagiarism; it is a very serious offence and will cause you to gain zero marks in your English Literature GCSE. I strongly suggest that all candidates ensure that everything is completely their own work. Generally there is a good range of vocabulary used and the essay is fluent. However there are issues with both spelling and grammar that need to be double checked.

The candidate has clearly undergone independent research, which is great and shows their interest the play. However s/he mentions in the first paragraph that Macbeth was written for King James I of England and for the King of Scotland who was visiting. I think they may have got confused here because King James I of England was also King James VI of Scotland. Therefore he ruled over both England and Scotland during his reign. While I implore the candidate for having done additional work towards this essay, it is essential to get your facts straight as a lot of internet resources can be misleading. If in doubt it is best not to mention it at all. There are no quotations used in this essay, it essential to use quotes from the play to back up your ideas and opinions therefore very little analysis is given. Sadly even though the candidate has been promoted to discuss the use of language they fail to do so. It is necessary at this level to discuss the use of metaphors, similes, alliteration and repetition of words and how these add to the play. For example, when discussing the evil atmosphere, the witches often repeat things three times; this use of repetition sets them aside for what we would consider the norm. Also the number three was considered to have magical connotations, therefore words that are repeated three times suggest to the audience the use of magic.

The question/statement is very clear and for the most part I feel that the candidate has over looked this. Throughout paragraphs 3-9 the candidate simply retells the story. This breaks the flow of the essay and it makes it feel jumpy. I would suggest that s/he restructures the essay, clearly looking at each of the first three scenes in turn. For each scene students should discuss: the setting and what about the scene makes it dramatic? or encourages the thought of evil? (such as the use of thunder and lightning in the first scene) How are the characters portrayed? etc. At no point does the candidate mention or discuss how the audience is prepared for what happens next in the play, this is a required element for this essay and needs to be addressed. In addition there is no solid conclusion, but rather a brief explanation of the candidates overall opinion. A good conclusion should summarise your key points, answer the initial question and include your own opinions and reasoning.