Based on my proposal, I conducted an interview, with an IT teacher who has experience with students of this age group. She is ready to start as soon as called.
Last Thursday, I interviewed a skilled, experienced, qualified and accomplished KG teacher who asks for solely 600 KD in order to teach English for KG. Our school is desperately in need for this teacher, which is why I request her recruitment. For a long time now, KG classes have been taught by a mere teacher assistant whose subject skills and knowledge are very limited. Adding to that The KG department needs someone experienced in Kindergarten American curriculum, practised in planning and creating resources and activities that meet the student’s needs.
Secondly, the budget official for elementary for this year doesn’t match the number of teachers we have. The budget allows an ESL teacher, a Drama teacher, a Music teacher, two PE and two Science teachers. However we only have One PE, one Science and one drama teacher
I request a music teacher to be recruited, for our students are in need of one.
I also insist that Anwar who is now the Drama teacher who the ministry approved as an English teacher to be our ESL teacher for this year and the next. She’s got the talent, skills and expertise to fill this position successfully.
Thirdly, Today is the first day for new registration; the staffs responsible is very concerned about the pressure that would be put on them, solely one receptionist deals with every day school calls, arranges meetings for parents, and sorts daily attendance. To have an effective and operative registration system we will need an extra receptionist.