China's one child policy

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China’s One Child Policy

Why was it needed?


The answer to this question is quite simple as China was over populated and it was increasing rapidly. The government were forced to do something about it or else the people would starve leading into much bigger consequences. Their solution was to enforce the one child policy. In detail China's one child policy was created by Deng Xiaoping because of the large population; 300 million people were born over 20 years. The population would have been a lot bigger if female babies were wanted. From this graph we can see that

the population in

China increased

lots from 1950 to

1995, where as

Europe has not.

This shows why

China had to

bring in the one

child policy. Even

after that

though China’s

Population is still

growing rapidly.

When Enforced?

This policy was enforced at a time when it was vitally needed to keep China stable. The policy was introduced in 1978 and initially applied to first-born children in 1979. It was created by the Chinese government to alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems in China. The policy was established by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, three years after Mao’s death. It was introduced around the same time as the Deng economic reforms. These reforms created a demand for more children to supply workers to increase food production and make more profit. The rationale for the policy is the communist natural emphasis on the whole society rather than individual rights and aspirations.

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Although it could be argued that the policy a great success in achieving its goals, this came with a very heavy social price.

The one child policy is quite alien to the Chinese traditions of having big families. This sometimes resulted into violence towards family planning officials.

Women were particularly victimised by that policy. Files have been kept on women of child bearing age by local councils. This is assisted by local informants. Women who are found to have more than one child are forced to have abortion, occasionally intimidated or beaten up. Local officials would be promoted according ...

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This case study contains lots of relevant information about the one child policy in China. It considers the main ideas and points are supported with relevant facts and figures. It could be improved by giving some more recent updates on the current policy, and by considering alternative approaches which the government could have used to manage their population and resources.