Discuss the negative impacts of Urbanisation

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Discuss the negative impacts of Urbanisation

Many small town dwellers and villagers had left their hometown for the cities in search of higher standard of living. This movement from rural areas to big cities is called urbanization.  Thus, urbanization is the process by which there is an increase in the number and the proportion of people living in the urban settlements  and the amount of industrialization of the settlement.  It also refers to the increase in the size of land area occupied by urban settlements such as towns and cities.

Although urbanization has brought about numerous positive impacts, it also has its share of disadvantages as well. The nature and scale of  impact, be it positive or negative,  will vary depending on the level of development of the country. The negative impacts of urbanization shall be discuss via the economic , environmental, social and cultural aspect.

The main negative economic impact of urbanization is unemployment.  With massive migration from rural areas, jobs in the urban area may not be created fast enough to meet the needs. Therefore, the first problem faced by newly arrived migrant in the urban area is finding a job. While it is true that opportunities exist in cities, it is also true that the competition for these opportunities is fierce as there are more demands for jobs than are available. This is made even more difficult because these migrant are mostly farmers, non-skilled and illiterate rural people. Very few people make their fortunes, some end up as illegal street sellers, cleaners, waste collectors, domestic servants or odd jobs laborers while the rest must still find ways to eat and sleep while waiting for their chance. With unemployment and poverty, it leads to one of the most obvious effects of urbanization, that is, the growth of slum. and its associate problems.

For example, multi-national companies tend to set up labour intensive industries in the less developing countries to take advantage of cheap labour cost. Country such as India has a large pool of unskilled and less-educated labour. They will be attracted to go to the cities to look for comparatively better paid job offered by these multi-national companies. When these people flock from the rural areas to the cities, the cities will have a population explosion. However,  there might not be enough jobs to cater to these large group of people, resulting in high unemployment. As this point, it may not be flexible for them to go back to their hometown, as they might have migrated the whole family to the city. Without a job but having family to take care, these people might resort to commit crime such as robberies and drug trafficking for survival.

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Unemployment is thus the main negative economic impact that causes a series of other negative impact in urbanization. If people have a secure job, they will be able to afford a decent house to live in and buy enough food to eat. If they are contented, they will not create problems for the society.

The negative environmental impacts of urbanization vary with the level of development of the country. The more industrialization matured a city is, the more opportunities there are for work and investment, and this brought about greater urbanization as more people move to the cities as consumers ...

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Overall rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Very well structured essay. Each aspect of urbanisation is covered in detail and with appropriate examples. There is a good range of sources referenced in the bibliography - it would be good to use some quotes as specific research evidence and perhaps some statistics to back up statements, eg. number of people with access to fresh water/sanitation etc. The conclusion is a little weak, sounding more like a basic intro. It needs to give some insight overall to the issues covered and a more specific consideration of the future.