Global warming

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The Dynamic Earth.

The Global Warming.

      I think that everyone of  you have heard about the global warming, but if not, I’ll tell you.

Well, the Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects of  

globalization and man. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past

650,000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the

heat — hence the name ‘global warming.’


      The reason we exist on this planet is because the Earth naturally traps just enough heat in the

atmosphere to keep the temperature within a very narrow range - this creates the conditions that

give us breathable air, clean water, the weather we depend on to survive and this is called the

greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gases trap that heat in the atmosphere. But human beings

have begun to tip the gas balance. We've overloaded the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and it

makes greenhouse effect much stronger. (If we don't start fixing the problem now, we’re in for

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devastating changes to our environment.)

      Yeah, that is global warming. And as I said, it’s because of carbon dioxide. Every day you go

to the school by something – by car, by bus or whatever, but if not anyway you can see a lot of

cars in the streets. You look at them without a thought that they produce 28% of that carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere. Other 36% of carbon dioxide is produced from fossil fuel burning,

industry produces 23%, and the remaining 13% is residential and ...

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