Global warming.

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Global warming

Fact: Earths average temperature has risen by over ½% in the last 100 years. The years since 1980 have been the hottest on record.

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the increase in the Earth’s average temperature, which then causes changes in the climate for example a warmer Earth, may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and it may have an effect on plants, wildlife and even humans. Scientists say that global warming is caused by us humans by using too much of carbon dioxide in our daily routine.

Is global warming occurring?

According to Accu-Weather, the world’s leading commercial forecaster, "Global air temperatures as measured by land-based weather stations show an increase of about 0.45 degrees Celsius over the past century. This may be no more than normal climatic variation. Several biases in the data may be responsible for some of this increase."

Satellite data indicate a slight cooling in the climate in the last 18 years. These satellites use advanced technology and are not subject to the "heat island" effect around major cities that alters ground-based thermometers.

Projections of future climate changes are uncertain. Although some computer models predict warming in the next century, these models are very limited. The effects of cloud formations, precipitation, the role of the oceans, or the sun, are still not well known and often inadequately represented in the climate models --- although all play a major role in determining our climate. Scientists who work on these models are quick to point out that they are far from perfect representations of reality, and are probably not advanced enough for direct use in policy implementation. Interestingly, as the computer climate models have become more sophisticated in recent years, the predicted increase in temperature has been lowered.

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Global warming is caused by increased fossil fuel use:

Since the industrial revolution, people have needed more energy for work and in the home – this has come from burning more fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil.

This burning releases more carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere – these cause what’s known as the “Greenhouse Effect”.

The Green House Effect

The Green house effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because some gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane trap energy from the sun. These gases are known as ...

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