Global Warming

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Global Warming

"Millions of years ago, disaster hit Earth, killing 95 per cent of all species. What caused it? Conditions that was chillingly similar to todays." (Lavers)

According to the President of USA and his flocks of corporate sponsors, the prospect of so-called "global warming" is nothing that America should worry its pretty little head about. Many people buy into this analysis, dismissing the alarming new trends as merely changes in weather that happen all the time, or actually proclaiming that they would be glad if the earth were a little warmer - just like a day at the beach! What few people realize is that global warming is no longer even a theory; it is a fact. Moreover, it's not just a matter of the earth getting a few degrees warmer in the summer; the prospect of global warming truly is a threatened end to life as we now know it. Unless steps are taken to stop the current progression of events, and even in spite of such steps we may try to take, the vast majority of the evidence shows that the Earth will continue to grow warmer, with widespread and even catastrophic results.

Global warming is a hot and widely debated topic. Speculations about the truth and facts of global warming have been questioned for years by both corporate business and respected scientists in our society. Many discarded the available information as less reliable. That was before the permafrost stopped being frozen in huge portions of the Arctic Circle, and before the melting ice caps began to open up that long-sought northern passage. However, it is now an established fact that the Earth's surface is growing warmer.

Global warming is the mutated child of the "Greenhouse Effect," which itself provides for the very existence of life on Earth. The earth's atmosphere is a balanced mix of heat-trapping gases, which include carbon dioxide and methane. These gases form a layer of air similar to the plastic or glass walls and ceilings of a greenhouse, which filter the sun's light and refract its heat onto the ground below, while simultaneously trapping any heat the earth might attempt to reflect. Without this effect, the Earth's average temperature would be a chilling zero degrees Fahrenheit (F), at which temperature life would be impossible. Global warming, however, represents an instance of the greenhouse effect gone bad. Most scientists blame increasing levels of the technological production of CO2, the deforestation of the planet, and an increase in methane-producing practices such as cattle and rice farming. In addition, natural and predictable causes such as volcanic eruption have a significant effect on the level of CO2. Regardless of how it has gotten into the environment, the ratios of heat-trapping gasses in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing. Since the industrial revolution, CO2 in the atmosphere has gone up 31 percent, while atmospheric methane has increased by 151 percent. This increase in atmospheric insulation affects the planet in a drastic way. The earth's temperature has risen, on average, between .92 and 1.84 degrees F, counting only changes, which are beyond the scope of normal fluctuation. In various parts of the globe, average recorded change is as much as five degrees. Five degrees may not seem like much, until they are compared with the scope of historical changes: "In the last 10,000 years, the Earth's average temperature hasn't varied by more than 1.8°F (1.0°C). Temperatures of only 5° to 9°F cooler than those today prevailed at the end of the last Ice Age, in which the Northeast US was covered by more than 3,000 feet of ice." ("Global")
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was established in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization and includes scientists from about 100 different countries, recently released a report which dealt with the results such a climate change had and would cause. Many effects are seen already. There are distinct signs of glacial retreat, and a disappearance or snow covers and sea ice. The permafrost in much of the arctic is thawed. Rain is heavier in most of the Northern Hemisphere and in the tropics, even while other areas are having terrible ...

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