Global Warming

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Global Warming

Global warming is when the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is gradually becoming warmer. Carbon dioxide lets heat come through the atmosphere from the sun. Heat reflected back from the ground is trapped by the carbon dioxide. This may be causing the earth’s atmosphere to become warmer, this is known as global warming.

Global warming could make the earth’s average temperature 1 or more degrees higher over the next hundred years. This does not sound much but the effects could be serious. Warmer temperatures mean that there might be more violent storms, heavier rain or long periods of drought. Buildings will have to be made stronger and more reservoirs will need to be built.

 A combination of humans and nature has an effect, the chemical carbon dioxide from cars, trucks and factories are entering the atmosphere which is also having an effect. CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons), methane’s, nitrous oxide which are available from aerosols are also contributing to global warming. Nature is also a result as climate is changing constantly over the years. The earth has warmed approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. We know the brightness of the sun decreased, that would cause a global cooling. Aerosols are small particles which partly screen the earth from sunlight then to cool the planet.

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Global warming is a major problem but people can make a difference in the things we do. We could reduce the amount of green house gasses. These green house gasses trap energy into the atmosphere and make the earth warmer. Driving a car or using electricity will not be stopped so if people could use less energy by car pooling. For example 4 people can ride together than 4 cars to work. We could use electricity by turning of lights, the TV. And computer when not needed. You can save energy by riding a bike or walking instead of using ...

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