How has the development of the rainforest led to conflict between different groups of people?

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How has the development of the rainforest led to conflict between different groups of people?

The rainforest is a tall dense jungle. The climate of the rainforest is very hot and humid so all animals and plants living there have adapted to these conditions. The reason that it is called a rainforest is because of the high amount of rainfall that it has each year.

 The rainforest covers on 6% of the earth’s surface but contains over half the species of the plant and animal species. The rainforest can be found in:

Central America: it used to be totally covered in rainforest but is now less because large areas have been cut down for cattle ranchers and sugar plantations.

The Amazon: The Amazon is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It Even has the worlds second longest river (the Amazon) running through it.
The Amazon is home to the greatest variety of plants and animals on Earth.  A 1/5 of the entire world's plants and birds and about 1/5 of all mammal species are found there. This has been cut down due to logging mainly.

Africa: This is where the world’s second largest rain forest is. Madagascar is one of the main places for the rainforest and contains unique plants and animals but now many of them have gone.

Southern Asia: From the east to the west is covered in rainforest including Bangladesh which has the largest area of mangrove forest.

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Australasia: This forest used to be cut off from the rest of the world but now it is not, this forest has the pacific winds blowing on it constantly.


All of the rainforest is important to us because it gives out a large percent of our oxygen that we need, it is a great place for living things to thrive and also with intensive research someday we could even find a cure for all cancer using the plants as well as a cure for Super bugs.(My opinion)

Our rainforest is already under attack from many things making it ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

Spelling is fine, apart from the use of 'e.c.t.' when the writer meant 'etc.'. Some writing seems rushed with sentences not being fully fleshed out, and while the content is there it could be made easier to read.

While the writer describes what's happening and various views are given, there is little in the way of explanation of these views. There is a lack of detail and the writer strays off topic towards the end – talking about 'world peace' and calling certain groups 'selfish' when this doesn't give an objective view of the situation.

The question is answered reasonably well: a good background on the rainforest is given, and both reasons and arguments against those reasons from each group is touched upon. The essay goes off topic and starts to take sides; making cattle ranchers appear evil.