1, Land use mapping
Each group will have a map of Llandudno. The map will be filled in by using the key from the paper.
2, Environmental quality, housing age and type
Each group will have 5 locations within Llandudno. By using the recording sheet you fill in the table at every site given.
3, GOAD map completion
10 groups, each to fill in the map in the location they are put in. they do this by using the key written on the map. For example if there is a church at your location, you look at the number given for church on the key and write it on the map.
4, Pedestrian counts
Each group will be given a certain time and a point where the Pedestrian counts will be taken place. All they have to do is go at the place and count the people that are passing by for the given time e.g. from 3:00 to 3:10.
5, Questionnaires
Each group ask 10 people questions randomly at their location. The Questions should be able to give you enough information not yes or no answers. Questionnaires should be done at their locations.
Do you use Llandudno to buy:
1, House age
From looking at the house age graph the most dominate housing is 1980’s, 1990’s present. Houses near to the sea are Victorian and after that are the resent houses. This shows that Llandudno has grown outwards. This is because of transport, mainly after cars came into use. This meant that more people could travel farther from their house to get to work so it was possible to live further away from the C.B.D. Also bigger houses outside the CBD were cheaper.
2, Environmental quality
From looking at the environmental quality graph I can see that the area of Llandudno is very good. There are only 2 or 3 places that are poor. This is because of Mr. Mostyn’s plan to make Llandudno a tourist area.
3, Land use
I can see that from looking at the land use graph that most of the areas are used for housing. I can see a pattern of retail shops along Mostyn Street. I think this is because it is near to the sea therefore there would be tourists around that want to buy something. I can also see that the pattern of Llandudno’s land use matches with the model of British seaside resort. Because Llandudno is at seaside it is not round, it goes along the sea.
4, Pedestrian counts
From looking at the Isolin map I can see that most people go to the centre of Llandudno. The reason for this is that there are many shops around. There are also chain shops like Marks and Spencer’s which are very popular.
Questionnaire results
There is no pattern on the graph but most people were aged 20 to 60.
This is because when we did the survey majority of young people where at school and people with jobs were working. Therefore the people who where out were mainly people with out work.
Most of the people came from local areas. This is because Llandudno has convenience and comparison goods which are accessible. There are also Anchor shops that attract people form local areas
The people mainly travel by car and bus. The reason for this is that the train service is not good. They come every 2 hours and there aren’t that many trains and it take’s a long time for one train to arrive. This makes it less easy to use the train. Maybe if we had done the survey in the morning there could have been more people taking the train. If we had done the survey in weekend we could have seen more people using their bike because there would be more young people around.
Majority of the people used their car to travel because there are many good roads around Llandudno.
From the results I can see that most people work at Retail. This is because at the time of surveying it might have been also their time to have brake. Also there were lots of shops around which increases the probability of us asking a person who works at retail shop.
What do you but?
Many people come to Llandudno to shop for clothes, food and to have a good time and for entertainment. People almost buy everything because there are different kinds of shops that are for tourists and also for local people.
How often do you shop?
I can see from looking at the graph that the people in Llandudno mainly shop for more than once a week. This is because there are lots of different kinds of shops. People also can easily travel from farther areas to Llandudno because there are roads that come from different directions.
From the graph I can see that most people buy their food from Asda. I think this is because Asda is the most accessible of all the other supermarkets. It is also cheaper than other supermarkets like Safeway.
Opinions on housing
The majority of people think that Llandudno has good housing. The reason for this is that the houses are looked after
- My first hypothesis is right because from the questionnaire result I can see that people come from different places like Liverpool. This is shown on page and . Llandudno is a seaside resort therefore people travel to Llandudno for holiday from various places in the U.K. Llandudno is also an accessible area because there are roads that come from different directions and trains. Several people come here for shopping mainly from local areas this is because there are varieties of shops from small gift shops to big supermarkets. Because of sphere of influence the economy of llandudno increases for example hotels and shops get more profits. This proves my hypothesis right.
- You can see from the isoline map that I have found the CBD of Llandudno which is at Mostyn Street. The pedestrian count clearly gave as pattern of how people are densely crowded. The reason for getting this result is that there are lots of shops around Mostyn Street so when the shops are open there would be many people walking around this area.
- My 3rd hypothesis is right because many people who goes to Llandudno go to Mostyn Champneys’ retail park therefore there will be less people at the CBD. I found this from the questionnaire.
- My fourth hypothesis is that the main land use on Mostyn Street is shops. I have proven this right by doing GOAD map which shows that most of the buildings on Mostyn Street are shops. This connects to my second hypothesis. Because of this shops that attract people from other areas the CBD is found at this location.
I have found out that Llandudno is a regional town located in North Wales. It has a sphere pf influence which serves the hole of Conwy County. It is accessible because of the roads and railways e.g. A55 and main Holyhead. Most of the local people come from south because of the physical landscape.
From what I have seen not many teenagers or young people were around I think this is because most of them where at school. Also it was working time when we did the survey therefore the people who where at Llandudno were people who don’t have to go to work.
CBD is based on Mostyn Street because there are anchor stores like M&S. It is also dominated by chain stores. Because of these shops lots of people go there frequently for shopping.
I think that the methods that we used were quite accurate because the results are good enough to prove the hypothesis right or wrong. In some causes like environmental quality it might differ from each others opinions. This might alter the result obtained depending on the group decision. I have found some odd results e.g. house age but it wasn’t hard to make my conclusion because it was only small parts.
I could improve my investigation by using different techniques to obtain more reliable and accurate result that I can analyse. If I could compare Llandudno with other seaside resort maybe I can see different things that Llandudno hasn’t. I could also do the survey more than once and in different time for example in weekends and working days. Or even I would do it different time of year to see how the sphere of influence changes over the year. By doing this I could gain more knowledge and understanding of seaside resort.
I think that the conclusion that I have made are accurate because most of the methods that were used weren’t that complicated therefore there is less chance of getting it wrong. Over all I think I have used enough techniques to support my hypothesis.