Geography Coursework2008 QuestionsMethodJustification of MethodSourceUsing the DataProblems/LimitationsSolutionsWhat was Portobello Rd Like in the Past?Research: InternetBooksPhotographsNewspapersPast Land-Use Maps.I want to know about the past so we must use secondary data.Secondary Data: InternetBooksPast Research.Graph of land-use, annotated photographsInformation may be limited + unreliable.Look carefully at data check sources.What is Portobello Rd like Today?Research: Land-use mapsPhotographsWe will also survey the area.I must use primary data because we are researching the present. Primary Data: Internet, Books, Land-use maps, SurveyingSecondary data: internet, BooksAnnotated PhotographsInformation from internet may be limited + unreliable.Look