The services that would be provided would be parks and walk ways that weave through Fairview Rise. DHA (Defence Housing Australia) requested the developer provide roads, water, sewerage and stormwater to Ipswich City Council standards. DHA requested that gas reticulation be provided by Origin Energy and stormwater quality be maintained using water sensitive urban design such as through the use of swales. They also requested broadband capabilities because of the high number of service people who may be away from home and needing to be contacted by their families.
There is an extensive bus service catering for travel to work, shopping centres, and schools. There are no schools in the area. There are schools at nearby Raceview. There is no railway system through the suburb. It is located close to the Cunningham Highway to allow quick road access to Amberley Air Base.
Livability of the estate is quite adequate, with comfortable spacious houses, local parks with covered barbeque areas, and quiet residential streets. It is close to other amenities such as schools and shopping centres, and to Ipswich for hospital, ambulance station and police. The ongoing maintenance would be provided by Ipswich City Council in terms of roads, parks, electricity, water, and garbage collection.
2.2 Discussion of Impact
These considerations have had an impact on the Silkstone estate in that practical low cost housing has been provided for the working class residents expected after the end of WWII. This housing was sufficient for their needs at that time, when families would share rooms and could not afford extensive living areas. Grid road structures were cheap and effective to build in view of the type of road building machinery at hand, and for the provision of water and electricity.
These considerations had an impact on the Fairview Rise estate in that larger, higher quality housing provided for the Defence personnel is what is required and expected in these modern times with higher standards of living. Families prefer larger houses with modern conveniences such as broadband internet, air conditioning, and covered entertainment areas. They also expect areas of parkland close by which also adds to the livability.
2.3 Sustainable Social Environment
In the Silkstone estate, sustainability is achieved by the provision of shopping centres, post office, sewerage system, schools, childcare centres, further parks, improvement to roads, and erection of traffic lights by the local government. Community groups have built churches, sporting clubs, soccer fields, and Ipswich Racecourse. These all help to bring people together and provide a basic sustainable social environment. The parks provide areas for children to play and families to socialize. Some homes have been renovated to make them suit the needs of modern families further.
In the Fairview Rise estate, sustainability is achieved by the provision of extensive park lands to provide recreational and leisure areas. The attractive houses and surroundings will encourage people to be accountable and responsible for their suburb. Basic needs for families are provided with transport, and comfortable housing. The residential streets are quiet, with traffic calming and roundabouts to slow the traffic speed. Social contact between houses would be easily achieved and children could safely play in these streets. There are basketball and tennis courts, playgrounds, bike paths and walking tracks, for people to meet and socialize. There are local shops and child care centres.
3.0 Analysis of the two study areas
Silkstone Estate
The human impact of the region has been the creation of social problems because of the design of the development. The wide main road with a 14 metre road reserve, with large blocks, and not a lot of parkland, means there is not a lot of interaction between neighbours. Therefore there is less of a sense of community. There is not a lot of planned community areas such as community halls, bike ways, walk ways, sports fields and playgrounds. This forces people to stay at home, or leave the suburb for entertainment and socialising. The young people of the area have no areas to gather, such as skate parks, gyms, and swimming pools. This creates problems with boredom in youths.
The human impact on the geography of the area, is an increase in traffic and the effects this has on pollution, and the effects of water runoff from roads and houses would flow into the creek near the suburb of Silkstone and that creek runs into the Bremer River which then runs into the Brisbane River which contributes to the city’s drinking water.
Fairview Rise Estate
The human impact on the region has been less then in Silkstone. The effect of the narrow roads and traffic calming methods slow the traffic and make it safer and more attractive for people to be outside. This brings neighbours out so they can become friends. Because the backyards are small, the children are able to play on the roads and nearby parks which can be accessed by the walkways and bikeways which are found everywhere.
The house blocks in Fairview Rise are similar to Silkstone but the houses are newer and the houses are much bigger. The houses are mostly two storeys and occupy much of the block with a small backyard. Therefore they need more parks, bikeways and playgrounds for families to play and socialise. The environmental impact has been well thought out and planned. A lot of the natural bush has been left intact, accommodating the native animals’ needs. Erosion has been managed by staged clearing of vegetation. Stormwater management is achieved by retaining an open vegetated reserve. Stormwater quality is maintained through the use of swales.
4.0 Evaluation
1. To what degree is the suburb ecologically sustainable in terms of:
(a) Environmental issues
Silkstone- These weren’t considered in the development, therefore there are environment issues like stormwater runoff which creates pollution.
Fairview Rise- There was an environmental consultant employed by the developer and DHA to ensure that environmental issues were well managed. Therefore a lot of the natural bushland has been kept intact, and storm water runoff planned for.
(b) Resource conservation
Silkstone- The resource of water is not conserved. There is storm water runoff into the local creek, out of date plumbing and ineffective water drainage. The power is supplied by above ground electricity and neither solar or gas was considered.
Fairview Rise- Resources would be of better quality and better conserved then at Silkstone, because they would have had better plumbing and drainage systems installed and the energy supplied is gas and electricity. This is a more sustainable energy supply, rather than solely by electricity.
(c) Waste reduction/energy efficiency
Silkstone- Waste reduction is evident in recycling bins. Waste is collected by council and dumped at a refuse station. Recycling bins are collected fortnightly. The energy provided is electricity which is not as efficient as other forms of energy, such as solar power.
Fairview Rise- Waste reduction is evident by the recycling garbage bins by council and also the garbage bins in the parks. The energy is electricity and gas which limits the power wastage.
(d) Social aspects
Silkstone- The suburb is socially sustainable in that basic needs of the working class family are catered for. There are corner shops, transport availability, and some limited park areas. However, there is very little for the young people in the way of entertainment, playgrounds and sporting fields. There is limited community involvement such as churches, meeting places, and clubs, for people to participate in and feel accountable for. Once people were financially able, they might move on to a more attractive and livable suburb.
Fairview Rise- The suburb is socially sustainable in that it is very attractive, tidy, and well looked after. There is a lot of parkland which is well maintained. The streets are narrow and curving, with traffic calming to make it easy for families to interact. There are also bikeways and walkways to encourage people to exercise and meet each other. It is a very livable suburb, and people would be attracted to establishing their lives there.
(e) Physical environment
Silkstone- The physical environment of this suburb is not very attractive. The houses are small and plain, and most look very similar. The streets being grid like are straight and uninteresting. There are not many parks or green areas, and no points of interest.
Fairview Rise- The physical environment of this suburb is very attractive. The houses are large, modern, and well cared for. There is variety in the design and colours of the houses. The gardens are attractive and there is a lot of parks and bushland. There are open areas and curving roads, walking paths, and bikeways. The parks and nature strips are well maintained.
2. To what degree does the design/planning of the suburb promote a sense of community?
Silkstone- The design does not promote a sense of community because there is a busy road through the middle of the area and the roads are quite wide, which makes it hard for people to get to know each other. There has not been planning for community areas, which would bring people together and promote participation.
Fairview Rise- The design does promote a sense of community to a large degree, in that the roads are narrower and curving with traffic calming to slow the traffic down. This allows neighbours to mingle and children to play in the street. The many parks, walkways and bikeways, promote families to explore their neighbourhood. This promotes participation and accountability.
3. To what degree have planners designed and implemented traffic safety/traffic calming devices into community roads?
Silkstone- The planners have not implemented traffic calming devices into roads. There are some traffic lights for safety.
Fairview Rise- The planners have implemented many traffic calming devices, roundabouts, cul de sacs, and curving narrow roads to slow the traffic down and make it safer.
4. To what extent has urban planning integrated the aesthetics of the estate?
Silkstone- Urban planning has not improved the aesthetics of the estate and it is not attractive to the eye. Families would not be drawn to living there by Silkstone’s appearance.
Fairview Rise- Urban planning has made this suburb very aesthetically pleasing and it is an attractive, neat, well planned residential area. The green areas add to the attractiveness of the suburb. The noise barrier next to the Cunningham Highway reduces the impact of traffic noise.
5. To what extent does the residential development offer residents privacy?
Silkstone- The development is quite private in that most yards are fenced which gives people their own space. There is very little garden or treed areas which would give houses more privacy from the road.
Fairview Rise- The development is quite private in that the yards are fenced. The roads are lined with trees which offer more privacy from the road.
6. To what degree have urban planners integrated access to adequate services such as schools, shops, hospitals, parks/recreational facilities?
Silkstone- There is good access to schools, shops, and hospitals via walking, buses, cars or trains. All are reasonably close by or in nearby Ipswich. There is good public transport. There is some access to parks and limited recreational facilities.
Fairview Rise- There is good access to parks and recreational facilities. There is good access to nearby schools, shops, and hospitals by bus, car, or train. There is good public transport.
7. To what degree is the area family-oriented?
Silkstone- The area is not very family oriented, with minimal park areas, playgrounds, sporting fields, recreational areas and bike paths. There are schools and childcare centres in the suburb.
Fairview- The area is very family oriented, with many park areas, green spaces, playgrounds, bike paths, walking paths, and a childcare centre. There are no schools in the suburb as yet.
5.0 Recommendations
From the examination of both residential developments, the more favorable suburb is Fairview Rise. The newer development of Fairview Rise better caters for the modern day family. The area is more attractive, the houses are larger, and there are more parks, bikeways and green areas for families to play and socialize. Fairview Rise is more environmentally sustainable and aesthetically pleasing. It is definitely the more livable suburb.
Recommendations for improvement to the urban plan of Fairview Rise would include
1. Building a primary and high school within the suburb or within the next stage of land release to improve social sustainability and community participation
2. Building a shopping centre within the next stage of land release to improve livability
3. Improve the current transport system by extending the railway to include this area, and increasing the bus transport system to improve social sustainability and livability
4. Building a swimming pool for the local families to have access to for increased livability and social sustainability
5. New houses built to have solar power systems for more energy efficiency, and water tanks for water conservation
6. Building a community centre to increase residents' community participation and accountability.
7.0 Bibliography