technology in Middlesbrough

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Rachel walker

ICT in Middlesbrough

The community I am going to be studying is Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough is a large town and is situated in the north east of England. It is an hour away from Leeds and an hour away from Newcastle. Middlesbrough had steel works which gave people lots of jobs which now does not exist because of this a lot of people are redundant and had to get new qualifications. Middlesbrough has one of the only known working transporter bridges.


 Needs of People in Middlesbrough

List of technologies

Road safety

  • Traffic lights
  • Pelican crossing
  • Pedestrian crossing


  • CCTV cameras
  • Smoke alarms
  • Garage alarms
  • Car alarms


  • Defibrillator
  • Heart monitor
  • Incubator
  • Ventilator


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • CLC
  • Internet
  • Intranet

Advantages and disadvantages of how each technology meets the communities needs

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Road safety

Traffic lights

Traffic lights help reduce traffic jams and road traffic accidents. It does this by stopping the cars for pedestrians to get across safely and letting cars in other directions to get there chance to go across the road. The disadvantages of traffic lights are they can sometimes break and this causes traffic jams, accidents and road rage. This type of technology is done by control. A computer is inside the traffic light which is set to a certain time to change. This technology helps the community by preventing road traffic ...

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