The CBD of Bangor

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The CBD of Bangor

This is a project based on how Bangor changes as you move towards or away from the centre of the town. To investigate this as a group we have formed four questions; we will answer these with evidence and explain the method in which we obtained the results. Using this evidence I will compare and analyse to delimit the CBD (Central Business District) of Bangor.

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The Four Hypotheses:

  1. Is there a district change in functions at the edge of the CBD?
  2. Do building heights increase towards the centre of the CBD?
  3. Are rateable values highest at the centre of the town?
  4. Do pedestrian counts decrease from the centre of the town outwards?

Basic Method:


I will use a planned route to find my results. As Bangor is generally small and close to Bangor Grammar School I shall cover my route by walking.


I will carry with me a pencil with a rubber on the end, ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay


Overall: 3 out of 5 stars. This is a promising start to a report as it has a valid aim and breakdown of key questions. There is some basic use of geographical terminology. However, although it may be inserted after the method, it needs to expand in introducing the location. The statements of the overall considerations for methodologies are so basic that they do not need to be included.