What are the causes and effects of river flooding in the USA and Bangladesh? How successful have these countries been in managing the flood hazard?

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What are the causes and effects of river flooding in the USA and Bangladesh? How successful have these countries been in managing the flood hazard?


        Flooding is an overflowing of a body of water onto normally dry land. Flooding is one of the most widespread of climatic hazards and poses multiple risks to human health.

        The Mississippi river is in the USA which is an MEDC (more economically developed country.) It is the second-longest  in the ; the longest is the , which flows into the Mississippi. Taken together, they form the largest  system in . If measured from the head of the Missouri, the length of the Missouri/Mississippi combination is approximately 6,270 km (3,900 miles). The largest of many large tributaries on the river is the Ohio River.


        Bangladesh is between India and Myanmar. It is an LEDC (less economically developed country.) The rivers of Bangladesh mark both the physiography of the nation and the life of the people. About 700 in number, these rivers generally flow south. The larger rivers are the Brahmaputra, the Meghna and the Ganges. They flow into the Bay of Bengal. 80% of Bangladesh is a huge flood plain and delta. It is flat, low-lying and easily flooded. Once the rivers overflow their banks the water can spread vast distances.  

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        In 1993 the Mississippi flooded. Heavy rain in April 1993  saturated the upper Mississippi basin. Thunderstorms throughout June caused rapid surface run-off and flash floods. During July the thunderstorms increased in severity with one giving 180mm of rain in a few hours. By mid-July, the level of the Mississippi had reached an all time high.

        In 1988, Bangladesh flooded. The monsoon rains cause rivers such as the Brahmaputra and Ganges to overflow their banks between July and mid-August. Deforestation in Nepal and the Himalayas increases run-off and adds to deposition and flood downriver. Human mismanagement has increased the magnitude ...

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