What is the impact of tourism on Aviemore?

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What is the impact of tourism on Aviemore?

My project attempts to look at the impact of tourism on Aviemore, Scotland. With greater transportation, leisure time and disposable income, the tourist industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Many people are now spending their holidays visiting other places/countries. This movement of people has both benefits and problems.

Aviemore is a small town situated in the north central Scotland.

        Throught scotland and even england it is renouned for its skiing facilities. It is one of the only places in Britain to get snow. It attracts all kinds of people. Many being tourists. It offers a great deal of out door activities. It is easy to commute to cities. Eg. Inverness.

Wider Issues:

Tourism is one of the largest growing industries in the world at the moment. Because there are so many people travelling regionally, nationally and internationally the study of tourism has many effects. Not only does it bring valuable money and income to the area where people are going but it also generates employment in many other related industries such as travel agents, airlines, restaurants, hotels and shops. Of course, tourism can also bring negative effects in that too many people travelling to an area may over stretch resources or damage fragile ecosystems. In areas like Aviemore this negative impact may be in the form of litter, congestion, pollution or an impact on a transport system. The greater the number of people that travel, then the greater this impact.

The tourist industry has continued to grow rapidly due to a number of reasons.

  • Increased leisure time.
  • People have more money to spend on holidays.
  • Television and films advertise other places and countries to everyone.
  • Cheap flights and package holidays are now available to all.
  • Travelling the world when you are young is seen as a good thing to do.

Cheap package holidays in particular have had a large impact on many places. Many small towns now have tourist complexes, bar/restaurants and activity centres to cater for the increasing number of people who are coming into their country. Not only does this provide employment but it can also cause problems such as pollution, an erosion of local customs and beliefs and a loss of traditional ways of life.

What are the attractions of Aviemore?

        I think that this is important because it means that I can tell what it is that attracts people to the town. For example, if it was for skiing only takes place for half of the year so what takes place for the rest of the time?

What is the sphere of influence of Aviemore?

I feel that this is important to my project because it would show how far people travel to get to Aviemore and also shows how important it is to the local economy. I can also see what makes Aviemore so desired for the amount of people that go.

What is the land use of Aviemore?

This could be useful because I can tell what they use the land for. In turn this shows what kind of people go there and what they want/need.

What is the impact of tourism on the environment?

This means that I can find out what advantages and disadvantages that tourists bring to the environment. It is a big issue because there can’t be an agreement about what is god and what isn’t for the ecosystem.


  1. Land use survey –

Using the blank map I completed a land use survey to show what services and facilities are available in Aviemore. I decided on a key first of all. I started at the Tourist Office in Aviemore – I followed a transect along Grampian Road as far as the Ambulance Depot (see map.) then marked down land use along this transect and also mark down the location of tourist related facilities that may be sign-posted along this transect. The transect route was 250m long and I noted every building along it and its use.

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The limitations that I encountered while doing the survey were that as I did not have enough time I could not cover the whole area and for that reason I had to do a transect. For that reason I might not be able to draw a very precise conclusion. This data will help me answer QFI 3.

  1. Pedestrian count along a transect. –

I chose three different locations along the transect and did a pedestrian count.  I simply stood at the side of the road and count the number of people who passed me (walking both ways) for ...

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