Where is the CBD in Guildford?

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Ng Yik-Hoi (Jason)

Where is the CBD in Guildford?

Year of submission: 2001

This investigation is submitted as part of the SEG (Course B) GCSE in Geography at

King Edward School Witley


Aims and Intentions of the study

     Aims and intentions of the study the most common land-use in Guildford is, we can do a land-use map (i.e. going into Guildford and recording a land-use classification on a goad map) this will also show any grouping of a particular activity.

     The building height will also be recorded; us vertical zonings are good indications of the CBD. This is because there is a lot of competition over very little small land-use area in the CBD, which makes it expensive.

     The reason why competition is greatest in the CBD is because of its accessibility, as most roads and transport tend to focus in the CBD, bringing in people from the entire outer zone.

     To find out where the centre of the CBD is, we can also use our land-use map. The centre of the CBD is expect to be mostly commercial (i.e. shops and offices) because the bid rent will be highest due to competition and therefore only the very competitive bidders who can afford the high rents can locate there.

     We can also do a pedestrian count; this will give us an idea of where the busiest part of Guildford is. If we find out what some of the rateable values of Guildford’s shops are, we would be able to see weather the land is expensive where pedestrian flow is highest. But it is not accurate to compare the rateable values with our other data because shops vary in sizes. We can’t expect to find shops with the highest rateable values in without a group without one or two shops that have relatively low rateable values compared to the others. This is because the rateable values depend not only on the location but also the size of the shop itself (i.e. we would expect to pay more for a bigger shop.)

     To over come this problem, we can divide the rateable value of the shop by its total area, this would tell us how much each square foot of the shop is worth, the higher it is, the better it’s located because the shops tend to be smaller to wards the CBD.

     But this is another problem, we can’t really go into the shops and start measuring the total area for each one of them, therefore we could use the “Front footage of shops.” We can divide the rateable values of shops by its Front footage, this would tell us roughly how much each feet of the front footage is worth. The higher it is, the nearer it is to the CBD because the front footage of shops in the CBD is bond to be small. A high rateable value divide by a low front footage will give a high “Land value.”

     So far, I have mentioned four data collections that we need to do which will help us answer our aims.

  1. Land-use map
  2. Building Heights
  3. Pedestrian count
  4. Land values

     These will also eventually help us to decide where the centre of CBD is in Guildford.


  1. The most common land use in Guildford will be commercial (i.e. shops, offices)
  2. Land values will be greatest where pedestrian flows are greatest.
  3. Buildings are highest where pedestrian flows are highest.

     To do this, we can use our land-map to help us decide where the edge of the CBD


     We may consider locations where commercial and residential are next to each other to be the edge of the CBD, as land-values fall as we move away from the CBD where the land is cheaper and therefore suitable for residential. It is unlikely that someone would want to live right in the centre of Guildford where the bid rent is highest; shops locate there only because of it accessibility and its therefore unnecessary for some one to pay a huge amount of money for location like this. (A quiet, pleasant environment is usually the ideal residential area for most people.)

     We may also consider a location where there is a sudden fall in pedestrian flow to be the edge of CBD. Accessibility will affect this, because transport links tend to focus in the centre of CBD, this is why most of the shops and offices are prepared to pay a huge amount of money. (They need the high pedestrian flow to keep up their business.)

     A sudden fall in land-value will also indicate where the edge of CBD is. Land-value is low where there is less competition and therefore less valuable because it is not easily accessible. If a location is not easily accessible, then the pedestrian flow must also below.

     We will also expect the building heights to decrease as we move away from the CBD because land is less expensive and competition is not as great due to its accessibility.


  1. Land-use map – where commercial activities are next to residential or even manufacturing industry (i.e. non-commercial)
  2. Pedestrian flow - where there is a sudden decrease in pedestrian flow that reflects accessibility and therefore distance from the centre of CBD.
  3. Land-values – indicates a locations accessibility, land is less valuable where there is less competition.
  4. Building heights – building heights should decrease as we move away from the CBD where there is less demand/competition.
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Background to the Study Area

     The location of Guildford is in southeast of England, situated half way between London and the south coast, where Portsmouth Harbour is. It was a Saxon town in the 6th century and by the 12th century; it had already become a market town with a Norman castle, serving the local area.

Hypothesis Statements

     Guildford’s physical features have played a big part in this. If we look at a map of Guildford carefully, we’d notice that river wey runs straight through it and that there are hills nearby. This ...

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