A Life in The Day of…

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Claire Andrews 10L

A Life in The Day of…

At exactly 7:29am my alarm literally shouts at me from my bedside cabinet.

"Hey dude wake up and…." Bart never gets to finish before I slam my hand down on the snooze button.  I lie in bed thinking diverse thoughts like, if I died would they care, and wish it were a weekend.  Exactly 60 seconds later, my second alarm starts screaming at me from the end of my bed.  This one I have to get out of bed to switch off.  When I only had one alarm I never got out of bed I just lay there, the object of the second alarm is to actually get me up.

        Except for my shower, which I have straight away, I don't leave my bedroom until I am ready.  As I pile on clothes, makeup and dry my hair I play music.  Usually 'Nivana' or 'Placebo' something rocky.  I heard breakfast makes you fat.  I don't eat breakfast!

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        Finally when I am ready, I go downstairs and wait for my friends.  Occasionally I feel like walking alone, but not often because when I so my so-called 'friends' get bitchy and shout at me for not waiting for them.  My friends annoy me, but they're good people.  I don't want to hurt them.

        I find that before school I am usually depressed, but once I enter my tutor room I perk up.  I hate being perky, it bores me not to have problems, but I can't help it.  I have verve.  I don't like having it, I would give ...

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