Barnardos advertising campaign of 1999-2000 had used many disturbing advertisements to raise funds for its charity campaign, one of the most shocking and remember able advertisements
English Media
Barnardos advertising campaign of 1999-2000 had used many disturbing advertisements to raise funds for its charity campaign, one of the most shocking and remember able advertisements was the one which had a baby seemingly injecting itself with heroin known as the barnardos baby.
The copy catches your interest with a dramatic beginning by using a harsh descriptive verb such as “battered”. This verb implies an act of violence which also gives the impression of abuse which then makes you think that the battering occurred on a regular basis. The copy then goes on to say that a child was battered, “battered as a child” now knowing that a child was battered, you find yourself all the more interested, willing to read on and sympathetic. The noun “child” makes you think of innocence and not knowing right from wrong. Also, it makes you think that the child is defenseless and in need of help. “It was always possible that John would turn to drugs” There was always a possibility but it was never definite that John would turn to drugs, this is what Barnardos are trying to put across, that if someone had intervened, John wouldn’t have felt the need to turn to drugs. “With barnardos help” This shows barnardos want to help and can help. :Child abuse need not lead to an empty future” Barnardos are trying to show that being abused at a young age doesn’t mean you will turn to drugs, become homeless or turn to prostitution, you can lead the same life as any other child. The next paragraph goes on to clearly state that barnardos no longer runs orphanages but is now a charity that helps mainly children but also helps their families. Then they give you a opportunity to make a donation.