Child Development

Research Task – Unit 2

Jessica Rowell

April 2011


 Research task, interpretation, justification and predictions

               • My research methods and why I have chosen to research

               Secondary research
  • what antenatal care is?
The antenatal care team
Screening test
Routine tests
       Diagnostics Tests
Positives and negatives of testing
Evaluation of secondary research

       Primary Research 
        • Interview from mothers
Visits to the doctors surgery
       Evaluation of primary research



Year 10 coursework – Research Task

My interpretation

I am expected to research the importance of antenatal care and how it can help the mother and her baby throughout the pregnancy so they are healthy and safe. I have then been asked to use my research to create an information pack about antenatal care and what she can expect.

Justifying the Research Task

I have chosen the research and create an information pack on the importance of antenatal care because I think tests that can be done reassure women that they are safe and healthy so that they can have a happy pregnancy. Antenatal care also allows women to get to know their midwives and ask questions if they have any worries before their delivery date. By creating an information pack this would let the expectant mother know what antenatal care is and how it can help her throughout pregnancy.

My predications

I think I will find out that most women who have had antenatal care would recommend and say it helped them throughout their pregnancy as allows them to know how the pregnancy is going and provides a safe and healthy pregnancy. It is also good so that women can know if there are any complications in the pregnancy that can be identified early in a pregnancy so that parents can prepare themselves for a child arriving; this is only available because of antenatal care and the tests within it that can be done.  

How I am going to research?

I am doing this research to find out as much as possible about antenatal care and how it can be incorporated into the information pack.

The primary research will be done to find out opinions of women by getting them to fill in questionnaires, surveys and interviews.

The secondary research will be done so that I can find out about the basics of antenatal care, the different types of testes done during the antenatal care visits and testes that care be offered.

Why I am including this in primary research?

Why I am going to include this in secondary research?

Why I am doing Primary and Secondary research
I am doing primary and secondary research so that I have a variation and enough information to include in this booklet and leaflet to the expecting mother. The primary research will include a questionnaire and interview. The secondary research will include information from the internet such as NHS sites and leaflet information from a doctor’s practice. This research includes information about the routine, screening and diagnostic tests, the risks during the pregnancy and the recommended precautions that should be taking throughout.

Secondary research

The secondary research I have done has been useful to help me find out more about the basics of antenatal care, the different types of testes done during the antenatal care visits and testes that care be offered to help pregnant women. The reasons I am including why and how I have done secondary research is because this makes it clear I have used different research methods and found information translating it into my own words.  

The research I found was at the following web site addresses, doctor’s surgery and books:

The Bondgate Surgery
Infirmary Close
NE66 2NL

Phone: 01665 510 888
Fax: 01665 510581

AQA home economic, Child Development by Sandy Green

What is Antenatal Care?
Ante = Before
Natal = Birth

Antenatal care is the care of the expectant mother and the baby before birth. It monitors your health during pregnancy, as well as the health and development of your baby. It can help predict possible problems with your pregnancy or the birth, so action can be taken to avoid or treat the problem. You receive antenatal care by health care professionals during you pregnancy. You’ll be offered a series of appointments with a midwife or sometimes an obstetrician (a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and birth).  They’ll check that you and your baby are well, give you useful information about being pregnant, and answer any questions you will also be offered antenatal classes.

As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you should get in touch with your GP or midwife to get information on the services and support that are available and to organize antenatal care. It’s best to see them as early as possible. Let your midwife know if you have any disabilities that means you have special requirements for your antenatal appointments or for labour. If you don’t speak English, ask someone to call you midwife to arrange for an interpreter to be present with you at your appointments. The type of appointments include:

  • antenatal appointments – regular health appointments with your midwife or doctor to check your health and the development of your baby
  • antenatal screening – tests that assess whether your unborn baby is at risk of certain conditions or abnormalities
  • antenatal classes – classes and workshops that prepare you and your partner for the birth of your baby

As part of your antenatal care, your midwife will offer you a dating scan that will give you a date for the birth of your baby.

This topic gives an overview of some of the issues and tests that women may approach during pregnancy. This includes changes to lifestyle, including diet, common health problems, coping with work and antenatal classes.

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The Antenatal Care Team

While you're pregnant you will normally see a small number of healthcare professionals, led by your midwife or doctor, on a regular basis. They want to make you feel as comfortable as possible with your care while you're pregnant and when you have your baby.

This is a preview of the whole essay