Morgan’s family is a nuclear family all her extended family lives nearby. With homes of their own. Morgan goes to her local playgroup every day apart from the weekends. She goes to a nursery called Caerphilly rosés, which is based, in Morgan’s hometown.
Morgan does not have a child minder but as Morgan’s mother Joanne goes to work Wednesday, till Friday at 2 o clock till 10 o clock, this means that Morgan spends time with her dad, which only lives 20 minutes away. When Morgan’s mum or dad both are working Morgan’s then spends a day or two with her Grampy and Nanny which they live across the road from Morgan’s dads house. This does not bother Morgan with the car travelling because she would watch stuff go past and ask loads of questions about it and ask what things are, Morgan is learning at the same time as travelling and it would be a great amount because Morgan is above the average norm. Morgan does not own any pets but she is very good and mature with any animals and does not try to torment any animals.
Description of Environment
Morgan and her family live in a surrounded area, which is located about a 5-minute walk away from the town centre. Morgan’s house is located near a park.
The house has three bedrooms and as Morgan is the only child she has a bedroom to herself. Morgan is allowed to play in the back garden, which is much softer than the front garden the house is situated on a busy road.
Morgan attends playgroup 5 times a week but doesn’t have far to go as it is only about a 5 minutes walk away. As she is walking she will learn a great amount because she is not going fast in a car and looking out the window but as she is walking she will have more time to look at things. For example flowers houses different styles houses and front gardens.
Broad Area of Research
I have chosen to do play with Morgan because I can see Morgan developing increasingly well and plays important for a child’s life. Morgan loves to play and the different types of toys she plays with will help her for further knowledge.
Focus Area of Research
During my introductory visit I felt Morgan is above the average norm with her language skills and she uses her phrases correctly and her sentence structures are longer and close to adult speech as she has lots of contact with adults, however I feel she does not have much opportunity to make use to books to help her development. I would therefore like to encourage her to develop an interest in books in an informal, playful way.
Morgan is very talkative and has an advanced vocabulary for her age. I would say Morgan is above the norm, when Morgan and I go over to the park I can see Morgan having a look at all surroundings and she always asked questions of what thing are. Morgan is very interested about what goes on in the world.
Through out the visit Morgan showed a positive emotion and didn’t show any signs of bad temper. Morgan is very co-operated towards conversations. When I went to Morgan’s house she showed a sign of happiness and excitement she is a very bright girl for her age and wonderful to have her company by your side.
When I was on this introductory visit I could see Morgan is developing increasingly well for her age, her language development is especially much more developed than an average child would be.
Morgan can be very cheerful child and she is co –originating and really correspondent that other children are