Child development - Introductory Visit

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                                         Introductory Visit

Name:         Morgan Cooper

Age:        3

Date of Birth:  20/03/01

Physical Appearance

   Morgan has fair blonde curly hair just past her ears; she has an oval cute face with a small button nose. Morgan is tall for her ages she is above the norm. Her smile makes her lips look very petite but the best thing about Morgan is her curly hair it makes her stand out with springy hair just covering her forehead. Morgan has brown eyes and blonde eyebrows with blonde eyelashes that make her eyes stand out from the rest of her face.


    Morgan is a very bubbly person, she sometimes can be shy in front of other people but most of the time she is very lively. If she doesn’t get what she wants, sometimes she may cry or will throw a tantrum but she is coming along with the terms of sharing with others and stopping getting tantrums as much as she use to. Morgan is also a loving child and likes to be hugged and picked up, she is maturing very fast.

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Morgan’s family is a nuclear family all her extended family lives nearby. With homes of their own. Morgan goes to her local playgroup every day apart from the weekends. She goes to a nursery called Caerphilly rosés, which is based, in Morgan’s hometown.  

      Morgan does not have a child minder but as Morgan’s mother Joanne goes to work Wednesday, till Friday at 2 o clock till 10 o clock, this means that Morgan spends time with her dad, which only lives 20 minutes away. When Morgan’s mum or dad both are ...

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