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Dietary Requirements for children aged 0 to 16.

All children what ever there age need a good balanced diet to included all food groups and nutrition , all food is made up of the following seven nutrients,

Proteins build the body, are good for the brain, blood, skin and all other tissues.

Carbohydrates Give energy.


Fats Give energy, the body will store fats if to much be eaten and not used.

Minerals build bones and teeth , naturally from the earth , include calcium , iron and fluoride.

Vitamins. Help to maintain a healthy body.

Fibre Helps to maintain a healthy bowel, adds bulk to foods making them more filling.

Water. Makes up two thirds of the body weight and is essential to drink.

To enable all of these nutrients to be added to a balanced diet, a child needs a portion from five different food groups these are as follows.

Oils and fats. This is a concentrated source of energy, but too much can be bad for the heart resulting in heart disease later on in life. A small portion is required; this can be found in cheese, meat products, pies and biscuits.

High protein foods.  Essential for body growth, can be found in meat, fish, poultry, eggs, tofu, quorn and pulses. Children need 2 portions of this food group a day.

Milk and Dairy. Contain protein, vitamins A and B for a healthy nervous system, is a good source of calcium which promotes strong healthy teeth and Bones.

It is found in all dairy produce like milk, cheese, yogurts. A child needs 3 portions of dairy group per day.

Fruit and Vegetables. Provide a rice source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Children need 5 portions of this group a day.

Potatoes and cereals. This provides energy and some protein, vitamins, minerals and fibre. This food group includes bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, rice and potatoes. Children need 5 portions per day.

Portion sizes for children, in my opinion a child should be feed how much they can eat, unless under medical advice for obesity or other medical conditions, where you would gain advice.

Some medical conditions being:

Diabetes. Meaning the pancreas cannot regulate the body’s sugar levels, children need to avoid sugar, eat regularly, and unless they were to have a seizure then sugar needs to be given instantly. Diabetics are all different and there are different levels of this condition so you would work closely with the Child’s parents.  

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Coleliac Disease. Meaning children can not absorb their food normally, these children avoid gluten which is found in cereals but is also hidden in some foods. Label checking would minimize this.

Allergies. This means some people cannot tolerate some foods and become very ill if taken most require hospital treatment common sighs of allergy is swelling around the mouth and face, breathing difficulties, sickness and diarrhoea and rashes, common food sources of allergic reactions are lactose found in milk and diary produce. Histamine found in Strawberry’s and ripe tomatoes. Tartazine found in yellow food colouring, sweets and some drinks.

Nuts. Children ...

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