Describe the concepts of Child Development giving a detailed account of all domains

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Describe the concepts of Child Development giving a detailed account of all domains.

Child development is the various stages of physical, social, and psychological growth that occur from birth through young adulthood. It covers five different domains,

  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Linguistic
  • Emotional
  • Social

Developmental changes are most drastic in childhood. This is the period in which a vulnerable infant turns into a capable young person. During babies first year they grow and develop rapidly. By the end of the year they are mobile, can smile and can communicate with their caregivers. (Tassoni, 2002, p.248).  There are many factors that can influence child development, some of which arise from within the person and other factors from outside.

  • Nature -Hereditary Factors
  • Nurture
  • Biological factors
  • Current Climate
  • Life events

Nature guides almost every aspect of development. Whereas nurture relates to how families, peers and social environments influence how children begin to think. Biological factors can include nutrition, healthcare, pollution and environmental hazards that could affect the growth and development of a child both physically and mentally. The current economic and political climate, and the current media, will steer how children live their lives. Crisis in the family, community or nationally can affect the development of a child’s personality and identity. However most the most important factor which will contribute to a child’s development is the child themselves. They begin to develop their own ideas and personalities based on their own personal experiences with things. It is important to remember that every child is different and although there are ages attached to developmental norms, these are only rough guidelines to the typical progression of child developmental.

Physical Development

Physical development is the process by which children gain control of their movements. Physical development provides children with the abilities they need to explore and interact with the world around them. A young child's physical growth first begins as muscles gain strength with use and children gradually develop coordination. An adult’s role in encouraging physical development is pivotal. The adult must provide for the basic needs of the child, in relation to food and hygiene. Also every child should have the opportunity to rest and sleep when it is needed. The adult should offer physical activities for the child, and at every stage be promoting the benefits of physical activity to the child. Arnold Gisele is a theorist linked with physical development. He believed that children need to master their physical development in a sequence of events. His thoughts were that in order to walk, children must first learn to crawl. He developed system where he categorised the norms of behaviours into 10 major areas and called them ‘gradients of growth’.  

 We can split physical development into different categories.

  • Gross motor skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Hand/Eye co-ordination
  • Foot/eye co-ordination
  • Balance

Gross motor skills involve the large muscles of the body that enable such functions as walking, kicking, sitting upright, lifting, and throwing a ball. The development of GMS builds when the child begins to lift their head up, the push themselves up, crawl, stand walk and run. Examples of gross motor skills in a nine month old child would include for example moving from the stomach to a seated position and crawling.

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Fine motor skills involve the child using their smaller muscles such as fingers, toes, wrists and mouth. FMS’s are displayed in a nine month old child by using their thumb and index finger to pick up object; this will display this skill in particular by picking up finger foods and feeding themselves. Another example of a typical FMS displayed by a nine month old would be reaching and pointing for objects as her FMS’s become more refined.

Hand/eye co-ordination is when children learn to co-ordinate the information received by their eyes to guide what they need to do with their ...

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