describe the pies development through the life stages

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Describe physical, intellectual,

Emotional and social

Development through the life stages.

Unit 4

By Lilly Mampuya

Lloyd Philp

Due: Thursday 4th December

Describe physical, intellectual,

Emotional and social

development through the life stages.

Physical development:

The physical development of a human being is unique because of all of the visible changes that every human being goes through. Physical growth results from a continuous and complex interplay between genetics and environment (nature vs. nurture).



A fertilised egg is called a zygote. It divides quickly to become a vacant ball of unspecialised stem cells called an embryo. In order to persist on growing and commence the process of separation, the embryo needs to access a life support system. Pregnancy begins when the embryo implants or embeds it self into the lining of the uterus wall.

Week 1-2: Passage to the uterus

The egg is fertilised in one of the fallopian tubes and is carried into the uterus.

Week 3-4: Embryo

The embryo becomes pear shaped; the embryo becomes C-shaped and a tail is visible. The umbilical cord forms and the forebrain enlarge.

Week 5: Internal organs

All the internal organs have begun to structure by the fifth week. During this significant stage of development, the embryo is defenceless to dangerous substance consumed by the mother (such as alcohol and drugs), which may cause defects.

Week 6-8: Recognisable

Eyes are able to be seen the mouth, nose and ears are forming. The limbs grow swiftly from tiny buds. The face is more ‘human’, the head is more upright, and the tail has gone. Limbs become jointed. Fingers and toes become visible.

Week 10: Size

The foetus is now approximately 60-65mm in length. Intestine are now in the abdomen; early fingernail development. (External genitalia are still not distinguishable as male or female)

Week 15: Limbs

The ears are still low, but very close to their authoritative position. The lower limbs are now well developed; early toenail development.

Week 20: Size

The foetus is half the length of the birth (birth size 300-350mm). head and body hair are visible; at this point the mother has felt movements of the foetus.

Week 30: More progression 

The foetus has now been practical since 20-22 weeks, i.e. the outside. The foetus may now have a good head of hair, the eyelids have parted and the eyes are open.

I weighed about eight and one fourth pounds when I was born. My mother still tells me that when I was born I had enough hair to braid. She says all my hair gave her horrible heartburn. Luckily she did not smoke or use any drugs or alcohol during the time that she was pregnant with me. All of these things can do serious harm to the fetus.

Birth and infancy-

Nine months after conception (roughly 38 weeks) the baby (or neonate) will be born. They have to easily eat something that could fit for their consumption, like mothers/baby milk in order to grow. As they grow up their physical skills develop:

First year:

During infancy, the arms and legs continue to grow ahead of the hands and feet. The brain is closer to adult size at birth than any other body part on a baby. When a child reaches the age of two, the brain is already at seventy percent of its adult weight. Some of the factors that influence this early growth are genetics, nutrition, and emotional well-being.

Birth- 2 months

Babies focus on your face when you talk; arm and leg movements appear to uncoordinated means that babies’ can not have power over their head movements.

3-4 months

Babies begin to develop head control and can lift their chests when placed on their stomachs

4-7 months

Babies roll from side to back and/or from back to side.

Babies can turn completely over

7-10 months

Babies can pull themselves up to stand but have trouble sitting down again; they can site up steadily with the support of their arms.

Babies can creep on their stomachs or begin to crawl on their hands and knees

10-15 months

Babies can walk when led by the hands or ‘cruise’ holding onto furniture

Babies can stand holding on to anything and begin walking.

1-3 years old

18 months

Toddlers walk well, both forward and backwards; they can creep down stairs and get on and off a low chair; they can throw a ball with out losing balance.

24 months

Children are able to run and climb

36 months

Children are educating large motor skills; they can interchange feet while climbing stairs, ride a tricycle jump and balance on one foot.


Childhood is the expression used to illustrate the stage between ages three or four to nine. Early childhood, from about three to five years, is the investigative stage of life, when, though curiosity and because of countless new experiences, children develop huge variety of physical skills. Later childhood marks the beginning of formal education, when children have opportunity to develop and improve their skills in a structured setting.

From the ages of six to eight, girls are still lighter and shorter than boys are. During this time, the lower portion of their body is growing the fastest. Also during the middle childhood years, the bones begin to lengthen and broaden. Ligaments are not attached tightly to the bones yet. Because of this, children of this age experience unusual flexibility. At this age, I was able to put both of my legs (near enough) around my neck because I was so flexible. I began gymnastics around this age also. I began to become interested in many sports, and my flexibility along with my athleticism supported my performance in many sports.

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4-9 years old

Children can run and skip well, play simple ball games, and are skilled tricycle riders.

Children can hop, skip, run; play with a ball and climb.

6-9 years old:

Children continue to grow in size, strength and co-ordination. Their developing fine motor skills permit them to become knowledgeable in performance such as swimming, tennis, and football, and in activities that demand skills.


Adolescence describes the stages between about age 10 and 18.

Puberty is the time when the body of a school-aged child turns into that of an adult. This growth is ...

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