Discuss the nature-nurture debate in relation to individual development

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BND Health and Social Care
Unit 4- Development Through The Life Stages

P4- Describe the two theories of ageing
M3- Use examples to compare two major theories of ageing
D2-Evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provision

In this assignment I am going to be writing about the two theories of the ageing process of an individual. These two theories are called the disengagement theory and the activity theory.

Disengagement Theory

The disengagement theory was a theory, introduced by two authors called Cuming and Henry (1961), which suggested that as we get older, we will naturally make positive effort to withdraw from life as a response to their lessening physical, intellectual, emotional and social skills and abilities, diminishing interests and expectations of how they should behave. The reason for this is because older people will disengage due to reduced physical health and loss of social opportunities. (B.Stretch, 2007)

There are many problems or issues that have a tendency to limit social interactions, which could potentially be a reason why older people tend to disengage more. I am going to now going to demonstrate this in a table below:

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 (B.Stretch, 2007)

The disengagement theory suggests that loosing contact with older people is an inevitable consequence of biological decline and the disengagement from other people is a natural and appropriate response, but there is little statistical evidence to suggest that this is a general rule for everyone.

Society and the nature of work have changed. Many people of the older generation play an active part in their community and in some cases they may choose to continue working, such as looking for a part time job. Most of these people work in a hygienic environment so they lessen the risk ...

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This essay aimed to discuss two theories of aging. The student met P4 by giving details of activity theory and disengagement theory. The descriptions of the theories were very good. However poor grammar made some of the ideas difficult to understand. I would have liked to have seen the student use a wider range of care settings, with regards to meeting D2. Remember to include a list of references at the end of the work. There were several spelling & grammar errors which could be minimised by careful proof-reading. 4/5