Explain the factors that would lead to suspicion of child maltreatment or abuse

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Nicola         Sydorenko   50122883

Unit 10 Health and Social Care


Types of Child Abuse and Neglect

  • Physical abuse is any physical action by a person that harms, or

could harm, a child. It includes hitting, kicking, slapping, shaking,

burning, pinching, biting, choking, throwing, shoving and whipping.

It also includes using unreasonable force to punish children or

prevent them from harming themselves or others.

The child’s injuries may range from minor bruises, burns, welts or bite

marks to broken bones or – in extreme cases – death.

  • Sexual abuse  happens when a person uses a child for sexual

purposes. It can include:

         - sexually touching a child, or inviting a child to touch

 -Intercourse (vaginal, oral or anal)

  threatening sexual acts, obscene gestures or communications,

   or stalking.

 -sexual references (words or gestures) to the child’s body

  or behavior.

 -asking the child to expose their body for sexual purposes

          exposing the child to sexual activity or material, or

 sexual aspects of organized or ritual abuse.

Neglect happens when a parent or guardian ignores or overlooks

a child’s basic needs – to the point where the child is, or could be,

harmed. Neglect includes failing to provide a child with food, shelter,

basic health care, supervision, nurturing or protection from risks.

• risk factors for child maltreatment, which are well recognised. Examples include:

– parental or carer drug or alcohol abuse

– parental or carer mental health

– intra-familial violence or history of violent offending

– previous child maltreatment in members of the family

– known maltreatment of animals by the parent or carer

– vulnerable and unsupported parents or carers

– pre-existing disability in the child

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Other warning signs may include:

» Running away from home or being scared to go home

» In a young child, not responding to affection or positive attention

» Poor self-esteem (for example, when children call themselves bad

or say they deserve to be punished)

» Unexplained setbacks, like toileting problems in a child who has

been toilet trained

» Extreme aggression or withdrawal

» Suicidal thoughts or self-destructive behaviour (such as

self-mutilation, a suicide attempt or extreme risk-taking)

» Foraging for, hoarding or stealing food

» Problems at school like poor attendance or trouble paying ...

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This essay aimed to discuss the factors that may be indicators of child abuse. There is lots of useful information here but the arguments need to be substantiated with supporting references. An introduction outlining what would be covered would be useful to help the reader get a sense of what will be presented. It is also useful for the writer in terms of using it to check that what it is the main body matches what was written in the introduction. Keep the font the same all the way through the document. 3/5