Explain the potential effects if 5 life factors on the development of an individual.

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Eleanor Lees

Unit 4: Development through the life stages

P2: Explain the potential effects if 5 life factors on the development of an individual.

It can be hard in today’s society to grow up without being affected by it. From environmental factors to your lifestyle there’s bound to be something that will stop you from growing up the way you would without these factors.

Genetic Factors:

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of children and. It is a defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections and obstructs the pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the body breakdown and absorb food.

Physically: It may stop a student from taking part in sports and going on a night out with their friends, it will also be similar for an adult, perhaps interfere with their job and roles i.e. being a parent.

Intellectually: It may stop a teenager from going to school/college and with adults it may stop them going into work for long periods of time

Emotionally: if you had an illness that you knew you could only ease and not get rid of you would become fed up and depression may be as result of this in both teenagers and adults.

Socially: it may stop them from things such as sports or something as simple as going shopping on the weekend. A teenager would be largely affected by this due to them being in education.

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Biological factors:

Foetal alcohol syndrome refers to growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. When it comes to pregnancy and biological factors affecting birth growth it can be a prolonging affect on the mother and baby (if they survive).

Physically: Drinking whilst pregnant will make a woman ill no matter the age. Heavy drinking can cause problems with pregnancy, such as miscarriage and premature birth. This then goes on to the emotional side of things.

Intellectually: If a mother is drinking during pregnancy they won’t be doing ...

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This report is all about the affects that 5 lifestyle factors can have on the each area of the PIES. The report does meet the demands of the title, however there should be more depth in each area of the PIES. using positive and negative affects would have been a good way to gain a higher mark in this assignment. The explanations of each life factor are clear and focused which is a strength of this assignment. To improve the content of this report more depth into the affects on the PIES needs to be researched ***