Oral communication may be central to such daily task as: Asking for information, Explaining issues, policies and procedure, clarifying issues, problem solving, exchanging ideas/ learning new ideas, Welcoming people, building a sense of trust, calming people who are experiencing strong emotion…etc.
Positive effects of using oral communication:
- The level of understanding and clearness in oral communication is high as it is interpersonal.
- The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. For that reason, choices can be made swiftly without any impediment.
- Oral communication is best in case of a dilemma. The disagreement, dispute and many problems/differences can be put to an end by conversing them over.
Negative effects of oral Communication:
- Oral communications are not easy to maintain and hence they are unsteady.
- There may be misunderstandings as the information is not complete and may lack essentials.
- It needs special handling and great receptiveness on part of the receivers/audience
Written communication
Ancient Chinese proverbs state that ‘the faintest ink is stronger than the strongest memory’. When a dialogue is remembered, most people tend to miss out some details and may also change some details. For something such as communicating future events needs to be reviewed in future dates, it is essential to write it down as the memory cannot be trusted.
When something is written, it is more permanent and if they are accurate when they were written, they may be helpful in later dates. It is vital that those records of personal information are as factual and accurate as possible as when an issue is recorded in writing, it becomes formal. When writing a written communication, it is best to make sure it is as factual as possible with little or no opinion. Some examples of written communications include: staff rotas, service user plans, and minutes in team meetings, medical records agreement, assessment, records of learning achievements…etc
Advantage of written communication
- It provides a permanent record of communication for future reference.
- It ensures little risk of unauthorized alteration in the message.
- It tends to be comprehensive, obvious and accurate.
- It can be quoted as legal evidence in case of any disputes.
Disadvantages of written communication:
- It is costly and time consuming.
- It may be represented in a different way by different people.
If written communication is imprecise it could lead to the following minor havocs:
Serious delay in meeting people’s needs, inability to follow up enquiries, other professionals not having the right information to help them with decision making, making mistakes with peoples care…etc
Computerised communication
In this new day and age, a vast amount of information can be easily accessed through the internet. Email and text message can now reach people in a fraction of the time that paper based written communication used to take. We also have computers on which we can record, store and communicate information very quickly and efficiently over long distances. Some aids can turn small movements into written word and then into speech, such as the voice box most famously used by the scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking.
Special methods
Occasionally it is unachievable to rise above a barrier to communication so an alternative type of communication must be found. Substitute communications such as: sign language, lip reading, Braille and Makaton.
Sign language
Sign language is a language which as opposed to using sounds uses visual signs. These are made up of the shapes, positions and movement of the hands, arms or body and facial expressions to convey a speaker’s thoughts. Sign language is generally used in neighbourhoods which consist of the friends and families of deaf people as well as people who are deaf or hard of hearing themselves. In the UK, British Sign Language (BSL) is the most widely used method of signed communication.
Lip reading
Lip reading is a technique of interpreting the actions of a person’s lips, face and tongue, alongside information supplied by any remaining hearing. It is used by a person who is hard of hearing or deaf. When addressing someone who lip reads, it is essential that you look directly at person and stand in a well lit area, when speaking. Unlike the deaf or hard of hearing, people with normal hearing subconsciously use information from the lips and face to help grasp what is being said.
Makaton is a method of communication using signs and symbols and is frequently used as a communication process for individuals with learning difficulties. It was first developed in the UK in the 1970s and is now used in over 40 countries around the world. Dissimilar to BSL, Makaton uses speech as well as actions and symbols. It employs picture cards and attaches in facial expressions with the phrase to make the word more easily acknowledged by those with learning difficulties.
The Braille system is a means of communication that is extensively used by blind people to read and write. Braille was developed by Louis Braille, a blind Frenchman, in 1821. Each Braille character is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a rectangle. A dot may be raised at any of the six positions to form sixty-four possible combinations and these raised dots are read by touch. There are also special printers made to print in Braille.