health and social section E Health Plan

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John’s Health Plan:

My Client’s health targets: these are the negative factors in John’s lifestyle:

  • Smoking
  • Lot of fat in his diet, unbalanced diet.
  • Lack of sleep
  • Lot of sweet foods eaten        

The 2 most significant factors which need to be improved in this health plan are smoking and eating a lot of fat in your diet. When asked, you told me that on average you smoke 30 cigarettes per day, and your eating diary for the week in the questionnaire indicates that fat and salt levels are over the recommended limit.

SMART targets for quitting smoking:

S – Stop smoking.

M – Go from 30 cigarettes per day to 0.

A – Smoke one less cigarette per day.

R – Use patches (low strength), and will power.

T- Completely stop smoking within 60 days.

SMART targets for eating healthier:

S – Eat more healthy foods

M – To be eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, and to reduce salt intake to a maximum of 6g maximum, and reduce fatty foods to less than 30 % of the total daily intake from all foods.

A – By gradually introducing foods with less fat and salt.

R – Gradually introduce foods with less fat and salt with new recipes and menus.

T – Achieve the goal of reducing fat and salt intake to 30% fat (or less), and 6g of salt (or less), within 5 – 8 weeks

Short and long term targets:

Short term targets (within 2 weeks)


  • Count how many cigarettes you have per day, and have one less one less every other day. E.g. day one, if you smoke 30, then on day 3, you should smoke 29.
  • Aim to cut down by 3 or four in the first week, and 7 overall by the end of week 2.
  • Try to find another hobby to help you take your mind off of the craving, or just play with a stress toy or pencil, within the first week, as the cravings will be highest then.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Think about what you have already achieved by giving up.
  • Go somewhere you cant smoke e.g. the cinema
  • Aim to do more with you time every day and keep busy, e.g. cleaning your house more or getting more baths.

Eating Healthy:

  • Aim to eat more fruit in the week.
  • Aim to half the amount of take-away foods and sweet foods every day, by the end of the second week
  • Aim to drink 5 glasses water and half the fizzy pop through out the week, within the first 2 weeks.
  • Try to cut 100 calories of unhealthy foods out of your diet per day, by the end of two weeks.

Long term targets (over 2 weeks)


  • Stop smoking within 60 days.
  • Suppress cravings of smoking within 21 days.
  • Maintain activities that help against cravings, throughout the 60 days
  • Try to keep work separate from home to reduce stress and temptation, throughout.
  • Do more activities with family, to reduce the temptation and to occupy yourself, throughout.

Eating healthy:

  • Completely restructure your diet over a period of roughly 5 to 8 weeks, to the specifics shown (5 portions of fruit per day etc)
  • Take extra time to prepare healthier foods with less fat and salt.
  • Get into new eating habits over a few weeks, with specified foods.
  • Do stress reducing activities to reduce temptation of snacking and eating fatty and salty foods.
  • Try occupying yourself to reduce the temptation of snacking.
  • Stick to diet plans, and recipes that are given.
  • Aim to be 100 % following the eating plan by four weeks.

7day eating plan to get you started:

After you follow this for a week, you should eat the same kinds of foods every day throughout the plan and take in the suggested amount of calories for each day.

Day 1

 2 poached omega-3-enriched eggs

 1 slice whole wheat toast or 1/2 whole wheat bagel with 1 tsp butter or 2 tsp trans-free canola-based spread

 1/2 grapefruit



 Mixed-green salad with 2 Tbsp olive oil vinaigrette

Afternoon Snack

 2 Tbsp peanut butter

 6 sm (about 1 oz) trans-free whole wheat crackers

 1 sliced apple


 Pan-seared salmon fillet (about 4 oz cooked; slightly larger than a deck of cards)

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 1 c broccoli rabe cooked with olive oil, cracked red pepper, and garlic

 3/4 c wild or brown rice pilaf

Dessert or Evening Snack 

 1/2 c fresh raspberries or other seasonal berry

 1/2 c low-fat plain or vanilla yogurt
Calories: 1,979
Protein: 104 g
Carbohydrates: 179 g
Fat: 68 g
Saturated fat: 15 g
Cholesterol: 551 mg
Fibber: 34 g
Sodium: 1,586 mg

Day 2

 1 c whole grain cereal (hot or cold)

 1 c 1 percent milk

 1/2 banana

 1/4 c dried fruit, such as raisins


 1 tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat bread

 1 c  

Afternoon Snack

 Mini quesadilla with salsa: corn or whole wheat tortilla ...

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