Now, there are also many disadvantages. If one is at home alone with just a teacher, one does not learn how to socialize with other people. Take it this way. When they go into the big, bad world out there, they will not be able to mix in with people as easily, seeing as they are not really used to it. Also one does not get many friends. Whereas if you were at school, you would have many more. One is stuck inside for most of the day, so one cannot smell the fresh air, and take walks in break times. One cannot do P.E. lessons when one is at home alone. Because a mechanical teacher cannot teach P.E. or show the techniques that need to be learnt. You could also not do art because you need all the art kit and special paper and it is all very expensive. Because normally in a school, the school support the money for all the art kit. Being stuck indoors, learning can be quite unhealthy. By that I mean you would become unhealthy because you could not do P.E. so that could possibly lead to obesity. Another disadvantage is you can not do any practical science. By that I mean no experiments. So one cannot learn that much. You could not do maths on it. I mean that you could not show your workings out. It is also very hard to do drama. Although you can do drama on your own it is very hard with a mechanical teacher. Drama is much more fun and exciting if you are in a group because then you can make up plays and do plays with more than one character
e.g. Little Woman.
One can also not do very interesting discussion sessions. To do a proper discussion session you need more than one person. Also how could a computer do a discussion with you? As my opinion I think that one does not develop one’s own opinion because when you are on your own you cannot learn to argue and to think of what you really think. All you do is read the computer and think that, that is the answer.
All in all I think that ‘Home Learning’ is not too bad. I thought that ‘Home Learning’ had more disadvantages than advantages. Although I should not be saying this because I want to win, I think that learning in ‘School’ is better.
“Thank you. Now will India and Mimi please come up to the front and speak about learning in ‘School.’ said Mrs Phillips.
“Well me and India are going to speak to you about ‘Learning in School’, as you already know. We shall first say the advantages and then the disadvantages and then we shall conclude to you about ‘School Learning’.
There are many advantages about ‘School Learning’. To start off with when you are in an environment learning with other people around you, the atmosphere seems so much happier and nicer. Also some children prefer to learn with other people. One can do so much more if you are in a group. You can do drama plays with more than one character and you could discuss serious matters in groups, so you could get far more and better information. Unlike ‘Home Learning’ you can do P.E. lessons. That is good because at least you can get fit and get some exercise. Also then you may not become as obese. Also another good thing about this is that you get some fresh air. Also you can do art at school, because then the school can donate money for the art department to buy some art kit. Also one can do practical science because
- you have a human teacher helping you
- because the school can fund money to buy all the kit.
- You learn so much more
Another point is that you can also do things like school projects together. As well as that you learn to socialise more, so that when you are older you can meet people and try to mix in with them. You also get a lot more friends in school. This is good because one needs friends. India and I thought of it as one of a child’s basic need.
There are also quite a few disadvantage of ‘School Learning’. There tends to be a lot of bullying in schools without anyone realising it. Bullying is a serious matter and unfortunately cannot be stopped. Not even with a severe punishment. Another point is that you do not get all the attention in a class. For example: let’s say that you were a class of 40 girls and each girl was at a different standard. All the bright ones would be bored because the teacher is trying to help the girls who are not as bright. So the pace is varied. Also unfortunately some teachers can be quite buyest towards some teachers. I remember when I was at my old school when this teacher used to pick on me. For example; I was about to throw a piece of paper in the bin and then she told me off. But then another girl did the exact same thing but she did not get told off. So that can happen some times.
So that concludes our little speech. Thanks to all who listened to us!”
“Well thank you. You and the other group did very well. Class dismissed.” said the teacher.
My opinion is that I would prefer ‘School Learning’ because although some of the teachers are quite buyest and that bullying is going on I prefer to learn with other people with me. It has a lot more advantages which is much better in the long run. I hope you enjoyed this little play.