Personal and Professional Development

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Personal and Professional development in health and social care

Task 1 – Current Knowledge and Skills

Skills: This is the skills acquired by a person whether its through work experience or education. There are many different types of skills whether academic, gross motor or interpersonal communication skills.

Knowledge: This can mean the confident understanding of a subject with the ability to use for a specific purpose. Whether it’s for practical or mental use, this can be learning, reasoning, communication and association. This is also the understanding that has been achieved during life through either experiences or through studying.

Practice: This is most commonly known as the learning method: this could mean re-enacting an activity over and over again or could be rehearsing behaviour over again. This could be either sports or when learning a musical instrument which both take practice in order to achieve results. This could be working in order to achieve a goal or could also describe the way in which something is done.

Strengths and Areas for Improvement Table

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Task Two – Career Aspirations

When I do complete my national diploma in health and social care I hope to go on to university in order to do a degree in hopefully nursing which at present is my aspired career.

I wish to be a nurse as I am sure it will be a very rewarding career to get into. I have always wanted to do a job in which I can help people as ...

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