Sensory Development
Harris enjoys looking outside because when he sits in a car he enjoys staring at the trees and roads. I feel that Harris enjoys exploring things by touch because he has books that have different fabrics attached to them this makes him feel happy. As Harris has lots of toys he especially enjoys the toys where he can listen to them such as musical drums, books. This helps him recognise different sounds and be able to differentiate them. As Harris eats he tends to smell the food before he eats it if he wants to eat it Harris will make noises like “yum” meaning that the food smells good so he will eat it. If he doesn’t want to eat it Harris will make gestures with his hand for example wave his hand around his nose or cover his mouth with his hand this shows that he will not eat the food because it doesn’t smell nice.
Intellectual Development – Language skills
As Harris is nearly two he is starting to communicate quite well with his family. When Harris wants something he can’ t say it as a full sentence but will say “milk” which we can understand is that he wants milk. Sometimes things that are not noticeable Harris will point to them or grab your hand and take you with him to what he wants. Harris tries to refer to people by their names he calls his mother “mom” and his father “dada”. Harris’s mum has 2 sisters that live nearby and visit frequently Harris calls them by their names Sophie and Jazz. He can’t say them properly but you can understand him. As Harris has a wide variety of toys he can name some of them such as books, car, and jigsaw. He finds saying jigsaw hard and therefore just says “saw”. Harris can now name some household objects such as; sofa, chair, and TV. When Harris is trying to say something Harris’s parents try to help him they tell him to repeat words after them so it’s easier for him also they point at objects and see if Harris knows what it is called this helps improve Harris’s language skills. When Harris gets bored he sings nursery rhymes such as baa baa black sheep he can’t say all of it but just repeats the words after his mum. Harris also knows humpty dumpty and Jack and Jill.
Cognitive Development
Harris is a clever boy and knows his basic colours such as red and blue. When Harris reads his book he remembers the pictures and can differentiate big and small. Also he can count to 4 without help he can even tell you how many fingers you are holding up without any help. Harris knows A B C but can’t remember the rest as there are too many to learn. When he wakes up he knows its morning because Harris can see the sun and when it goes dark he knows its night and time to sleep. As Harris is only young he doesn’t know much about shape or floating, and sinking. Harris knows about cause and effect because when he sees fire he will stay away from it because he knows it is hot and will burn him.
Social Development
Harris is a polite and well mannered boy he knows when he asks for something he has to say please and when he receives something he must say thank you. Harris does not mind sharing his toys he in fact insists you play with them. When Harris meets people he hasn’t seen for a long time such as family he will not talk or go to them as he feels nervous and shy. When Harris sees other children he will look at them but not play with them. As all children Harris has his fair share of temper tantrums he usually has them when he doesn’t get his own way if he wants something that he can’t have such as a toy he will cry and stamp his feet. Harris is not toilet trained as he is still only small. When it is time to eat Harris can feed himself with his hands but finds it difficult to eat with cutlery. When it is time to wash his face and brush his teeth Harris tries to brush his teeth but doesn’t clean them properly as he finds it hard to move the brush around his mouth. Harris can splash the water on his face but doesn’t like it when it goes in his eyes or nose. He can also dry his face and hands. Harris can put his shoes on and likes his Velcro shoes as they are easy to close, he can’t do laces as they are fiddly. Harris tries to put his clothes on but doesn’t know which arm goes in which hole.