Substance Use During Pregnancy

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Substance Use During Pregnancy


by Amy Nevitt

        Doctors and nurses say that some babies smell like alcohol when they are born.  Some even born drunk.  These infants are born addicted to alcohol.  They often suffer withdrawal symptoms during their first few months.  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a disease caused by excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy, if allowed to continue without intervention will result in lifelong physical, mental, and social defects to the newborn.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, (FAS), is a disorder in which people are not very knowledgeable about.  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a lifelong yet completely preventable set of physical, mental, and neurobehavioral birth defects associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy .  Only about twenty-eight years ago Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was first diagnosed.  Doctors have researched this disorder enough to be able to state that there is no safe amount of alcohol pregnant women can consume.  More than eight thousand babies a year in the United States are born with FAS.  Pregnant women need to understand that they are not just hurting themselves by drinking everyday but putting their baby in danger forever.  The FAS child will always bear effects of their mother's drinking.  The day after a person drinks heavily they usually feel sick.  This occurs because a person’s body is trying to eliminate the body systems of the poisons from alcohol.  It is important during pregnancy that the mother needs to do everything possible to eliminate dangers during the development of the fetus to assure giving birth to a healthy baby.  Pregnant women should be concerned with how and what kind of vitamins they take to allow for the healthiest baby, not the decision of what alcoholic drink to consume.  When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, so does her baby; through the blood vessels in the placenta, the mother's blood supplies the developing baby with nourishment and oxygen.  A woman who conceived a child is responsible for another human being.  An alcoholic pregnant woman is priming the child to drink, and the child is just a fetus.

        Malnutrition, drug use and smoking are factors that also increase FAS .  Women who drink regularly usually are not concerned with eating healthy or properly, and are more inclined to be around cigarette smoke and other drugs.  The older the woman, the more alcohol has to be consumed to receive the same affect from the alcohol .  This allows for the fetus to be exposed to more alcohol.  Women, who become pregnant in their older years, tend to believe consuming alcohol will not be harmful.  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading known cause of mental retardation and birth defects.  FAS involves major issues because the pregnant mother is not only dealing with an alcoholic problem, but in addition has to deal with the impact of  lifelong damaging physical, mental, and social problems inflicted upon her child.

        Pregnant woman seem to be enjoying themselves now, by drinking and having a good time. The mother and the rest of the family will be affected significantly as the fetus begins to develop into a newborn.  It is important to realize the process of breaking down the consumed alcohol by a pregnant woman is twice as long as a normal person’s digestive process .  The alcohol reaches the fetus with in a few minutes from consumption.  The alcohol is in the woman’s system for twice as long which causes the fetus to be exposed to alcohol through most of the processes of breaking the alcohol down.  The central nervous system and the brain grow throughout pregnancy and are affected no matter what stage alcohol is consumed.  Claire Coles also stated, “ […] maternal alcoholism and heavy drinking during pregnancy are associated with readily observable physical defects, called dysmorphia; reduced growth; and damage to the fetus’ nervous system.”.  Every person has a different body and likewise people are affect by the alcohol consumption in different ways.  While some pregnant individuals might drink everyday allowing their child to have slight defects; others may drink only five times throughout their whole pregnancy and cause their child to have every birth defect possible.  “The amount of damage depends on the frequency, quantity, and timing of the mother’s alcohol consumption” Amy Nevitt wrote in her book “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome”.  Researchers have found that several drinks in a short amount of time are more harmful than the same amount strung out over a longer period of time.  Pregnant women, for their best interest, should stay away from all alcoholic beverages from the moment they find out they are pregnant.

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        A mother who drinks during pregnancy may not be fortunate enough to enjoy the blessing of a healthy newborn.  The mother may have a miscarriage, stillborn, or premature baby.  Premature babies have to be under the hospital’s care for weeks and hooked up to machines just to stay alive.  The technology has evolved but does not guarantee survival for the child.  A mother and the family have to go through each day with the thought that the baby could stop breathing at any second.  A child born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has low birth weight, a small head, flattened nose, ...

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