the human lifespan

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Santilla Povey

Unit2 4

The human lifespan

This assignment will define the terms development, developmental norms, life course, maturation and life expectancy. Then it will discuss what is meant by physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Finally this assignment will explain the development milestones for each of the life stages which are conception, pregnancy, birth and infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, older adulthood and the final stages.

Development means changes that might happen physical, intellectual, emotional, and social across the lifespan also, how people change and how they stay the same over time, this could be change in ability, quantity, height or weight.  Development and delayed development is when a child takes time to develop achievement of one or more of their milestones. People might consider this child to be 'slow' or 'behind'. For example, a child may have less socialising and personal skills with a person who's more talented.

Developing norms is described as an infants or child’s average set of expectations, for example, the average age at which a child walks, learns to talk, or reaches puberty.

 Life course means the expected stages of the human life cycle for example, an individual’s life events including birth, marriage, parenthood, divorce, and retirement. 

Maturation is the process of maturing and becoming full-grown or fully developed.  

Life expectancy is described as an estimate of how long a person may live.

Physical means the stage of maturing biologically, intellectual means developing thinking and language skills, emotional means developing feelings about one self and others, social means forming relationships.


Conception is the fertilization of the egg, by the sperm and its implantation in the uterine wall.  A man typically produces something like 200 million to 500 million sperm per ejaculation, but normally only one fertilises the egg.


At 1-9 weeks the physical development takes place as the fertilised egg known as a Blastocyst makes its way to the uterus and is developed into a baby, the baby grows bigger, developing in growth at the same time. The fertilized egg is attached to the lining of the uterus. Then the internal organs and circulatory system begin to form. At around 5 weeks the fertilised egg is about the size of a seed. Also at this stage it weighs a fraction of a once and its eyes and ears start to look more human.

At 10-14 week this is known for entering the fetal state of development. Tissues and organs are rapidly developing, and vital organs are visible, as the skin is transparent. The abiotic cord is also working well. At this time the baby can open and close its fist, and move its limbs. Around week 12 the baby’s kidneys have begun to produce urine.

At 15-20 weeks the baby is rocked and swayed by mums breathing and walking. The baby will double in size at this point and also the nervous system is rapidly maturing. The Skelton changes from soft cartilage to bone. During this point the intellectual of the body appears as the baby can yawn, frown, hiccup and suck its thumb. The baby will also be able to hear voices at this point.

At 21-27 weeks the baby’s sense of touch is developed along with finger prints, the baby will experiment with touch and can feel your sense of touch too. Furthermore, baby will listen to your conversations and feel comfort from your voice. At around 23 weeks they will learn to swallow and you may be able to feel the baby’s hiccups. Baby can respond to light but won’t be able to see.  The lungs are developed and the baby learns and practices how to breathe. At 24 weeks a baby may be able to live outside of the womb with medical assistance. At this point baby can weigh about 2 pounds.

At 28-37 weeks the baby weighs over 2 pounds and will triple in weight baby will build a layer of fat which will help keep he or she warm outside the womb. The baby’s emotional needs will start at this point as the baby will respond to pain and pleasure. The baby can recognise their mothers' voice. Baby’s Skelton hardens and neurons have developed in the brain, creating sensual connections that will help baby learn in and outside the womb. The baby will open and close its eyes and shedding of the skin will happen which protects the baby from amniotic fluid. The skin is pink and soft and will gain one once a day, at this point baby is considered full term. The head will turn downward ready for birth known as the delivery position.

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Whilst pregnant in the last months you can talk to your baby and it will recognise your voice. The baby can't really have any social needs until it is born and it can interact with parents.

Birth and Infancy (0-3 years)

At around 9 months after conception the baby is born a new baby is also known as a neonate. The new born baby has to take easily digestible food such as mother's milk in the first weeks in order to grow. Babies develop rapidly during the first three years of life. They are born with a number of ...

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