The Power of Child Death
“From a proud tower in the town
Death looks gigantically down.”
-Edgar Allan Poe
This statement says that death stands out boldly in society. When parents go through the terrifying and devastating experience of the loss of a child they tend to feel looked down upon by the people in their town. They act as if they committed a heavy crime. They seem like murderers. In the book Rabbit, Run Rabbit’s wife Janice while intoxicated accidentally drowns her baby. This devastation affected the whole family in different ways. This essay will discuss the different ways people in families react to the loss of a child.
In the book Rabbit, Run Rabbit and Janice suffer due to the loss of their child. Thinking like an outsider in her town Janice says to Rabbit, “I can’t stand to look at anyone except you. I can’t bear to look at the others” (238). She feels like a disgrace to society, as if everyone shames her for accidentally drowning her baby. She tells Rabbit that they can not live at their house anymore. Rabbit acts differently. At the funeral Rabbit listens to the service and finds forgiveness and strength to move on, but then at the burial he clumsy made statements about the child’s death. Rabbit says he played no role in the death of the child, and this shocks others. Horrified by his statements the family enraged him, and Rabbit runs away into the woods. Rabbit realizes that everyone displeases him, and he doesn’t need that. He doesn’t like the directions his life leads him in. Life doesn’t quite work out for him, so he just runs away from it. He can not handle the child’s death.
Before Rabbit ran away from the burial he tries to find forgiveness from God. Some members of society try to help Rabbit during this devastating experience, and Eccles the priest does just that. Eccles tells rabbit that “[they] must work for forgiveness; [they] must earn the right to see that thing behind everything” (240). Eccles believes that having a closer relationship with god will bring the best out of Rabbit. Eccles believes it will help Rabbit move on in life. As an outside source of mediation Eccles tells Rabbit that “marriage is a sacrament, and that this tragedy, terrible as it is, has at last united you and Janice in a sacred way” (240). Eccles tries to help the family recuperate after this loss. The death of his baby makes Rabbit turn to God for a normal life.