In which a care setting is spaced it can have an effect on communication for instance a care home or a GP setting there are usually rooms where people can meet and communicate or watch television or join within activities. In a small amount of space which is restricted some people may find it hard to communicate with one another. With the right ideas of planning of planning physical space for a social care setting there can be useful communication which can take place. The layout of a room which is laid out properly with the careful use of lighting and the right furniture and the proper decoration can promote the right of effective of communication.
The interpersonal interaction and communication can be distraught by the time in a number of ways. For instance sometimes it may be essential to book rooms for a large room in a health and social care setting. Sometimes a time limit can restrict the quality of valuable communication for instance group members or certain teams may get through the task quickly. Due to the Same response a GP for example or a nurse who may have a lot of people to see may have certain time limit for each person. If a care practitioner was preoccupied with another task. The appointment scheduled may be limited which can limit the quality of communication.
Argyle, M. (1967) The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour, Penguin, Harmondsworth
Bales, R.F. (1970) Personality and Interpersonal Behaviour, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York
Burnard, P. (1992) Communicate! Edward Arnold, London
Tuckman, B.W. (1965) ‘Developmental sequences in small groups’, Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384–99
Moonie,N (2010) Health and Social Care Level 3 Book 1, Developing Effective Communication in health and social care Page 1 to 1
P4 Explain strategies used in health and social care environment to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interaction.
Barriers associated with difficult complex or sensitive issues:
Communication barriers can occur at any time. Many care professionals need to require certain skills which are effective but all prominent to deal with certain situations which may rise in a social care environment. There may be information for example someone who may be asked to clarify a difficult material about an individual’s wellbeing due to their treatment or medication which has been issued. The security nature but also contrasting the information to a care professional which sometimes maybe a barrier towards effective communication without knowing if they are able themselves to make it useful and easy. It is understandable that the obvious information which relates to the patient is important due to the persons care but also treatment for the person health and wellbeing.
Interpersonal interaction is usually more effective when individuals are able to consist the right communication in caring environment. Some people may communicate better when they are:
- Relaxed
- Calm
- Express there issues but also warmth
- Issues and get respect back in hand
Giving certain care for individuals can be emotionally difficult but also hard when consisting tasks; but also tasks may require delicate issues and traumatic incidents which may arise in certain due course within the care setting. This usually when individuals who receive care who have permanent or life limit conditions which a person who may be suffering from pain or mental distress. In conditions mentioned above some people who use the care services are there to express their issues or problems. This barrier may have an issue where communication which can cause more than a problem towards the persons strength but also his or her wellbeing which therefore they may not receive the right support but also certain right quality towards assessing the persons care they need.
There are strategies for overcoming certain barriers which consist of difficult or careful issues:
- Using right suitable verbal but also non-verbal communication abilities to know but also try to keep an emotional balance of support but also try to reassure and support the person.
- Choosing the right method of communicating with individuals without using jargon or complex language for example certain words or senses which the person may not understand which will confuse them.
- Giving the assurance that all information will be kept confidential.
Being aware that the surrounding is suitable for prolonging effective communication but also interaction. For example the surrounding must consist privacy, feel comfortable, be quiet but also provide adequate lighting.
Persisting using staff training but also the support services to decrease certain levels of stress but also develop certain qualities of counselling skills, where all care practitioners are able to hear, listen but also keep calm manner of being empathetic.
During certain time the most really effective way of when communicating with an individual who are hostile is to create a conversation by understanding there needs but also issue by giving them hope but also by reassuring them non verbally. By providing the most basic information ether in written by using sympathy to relate by feeling sorrow and understand the persons feelings by being organised when spending certain quality of time but also by listening to them which he or she may feel it’s an acceptance but this also promotes a good understanding in these circumstance.
Barriers associated with values and beliefs:
An individual’s value and belief involve how they feel and what is most important in their life but even so it should not effect on how they feel and what is most important in their life but even so it should not effect on how they should live but also the way other people may act. For example you’re yourself as a person your value and beliefs may differ from others such as family members, friends or neighbours. Most may consist of certain differences – like for instance some individuals may see things in the same way we do. Sometimes the differences in relationship to values and beliefs can lead to misunderstandings of judgements, failure but also the understanding of what an individual is trying to communicate from certain conflicts which may rise.
Barriers which involve values and beliefs which can be overcome:
Knowing and understanding about another individual values and beliefs may give you an understanding of how they communicate but may also show why they are taking this approach for example showing an issue knowing by respects an individual’s diversity . Prolonging and valuing the rights of individuals.
Barriers associated with language needs and preferences:
Certain individuals may find it easy to communicate in their language of need. By noticing peoples preference of language will help them improve their interaction with themselves. But also the how a person may communicate such as their language may become a barrier for them when using effective communication. With a combination of using slang, jargon or an individual using a strong accent can make it very hard to understand what the individual may be talking about through plain English. So certain communication can be misunderstood. But even so far all those care workers who may find that all service users who can understand English are wrong but towards this make a cultural expectation which may limit the users who use the services.
Certain barriers which are linked to language needs but also choices which can be overcome:
- Find the right method of communication when communicating with individuals.
- Use own method of verbal skills in a clear accessible way.
- Know your own understanding of others or individuals messages when briefing or summarising.
- Simplify by clarifying of any word you don’t understand but also certain phrases you may not be sure about.
- Offering multi – lingual marking in social care setting but also offering leaflets and letters which would offer translation into all languages which is used by all individuals of all various members of the community.
- Where an individual’s first language may not be English or a preferred method of communication but an electrical device its self can be helped for the translation for example the electronic devices which are usually used are Makatons or a BSL but also a qualified interpreter which may be used to help communicate to help communication.
Barriers associated with assumptions:
Care workers need to take certain time to build strong interactive relations in order to understand needs of these people who use care services. The degree of making certain assumptions about stereotyping, labelling or degrees of prejudice is not a food example of making fun of people’s needs, feelings but also their circumstances. Supposing sometimes lead to a judgement which may become huge or a major barrier towards effective communication. This show it is important to check your understanding of others.
Many assumptions are a blockage communication because they stop vsre workers from interacting with other people and getting to know them but also limit their outcome of the other individual needs.
Taking notice by giving clear response to a person’s cultural identity with certain needs of targets by responding in a way where communication is available some individuals who work in a care profession may not agree with this. For instance if care worker was to make supposed remarks about their beliefs about certain issues of dieting, personal care, sleeping arrangements and health that care workers would have an impact which other individuals may not take likely which other people may show. Where certain dangers of prolonging certain issues of cultural expectation such as exploring the identities but also care needs for those service users who do not fit with the leading culture. Due to this it usually makes interaction and communication weak. An individual ethnic background but also experience in life gives them inspiration towards understanding of what verbal and non-verbal communication. Not knowing about the cultural variations of verbal and non-verbal language can usually lead to misunderstanding.
Certain barriers which associate of overcoming cultural variations:
- Creating understanding but also awareness towards differences in culture especially regards to communication such as eye contact, touch and etc.
- Knowing the understanding of cultural meaning such as non-verbal messages.
- Making sure you know what you say through verbal and non-verbal when communicating.
- Making sure you do not give in appropriate suppositions about other people.
Barriers associated with the use and abuse of power:
Care workers are usually stuck in a position which involves powerful position which relates to individuals who use care services. Care workers usually get to know about the surrounding problems but also the health issues of the individuals who are involved in care. Individuals who usually receive care are usually emotional, weak but are physically dependant on the care services. The balance of unfair treatment regarding care relations such as a care worker and clients can be abuse by taking advantage by bulling or abusing but also exploiting by making fun out of the client is being untreated unfairly. Certain bodies that regulate the code of conduct for care professional for example Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) but also health professional’s council (HPC) but these codes in place to prevent usage of misuse power.
Normally where the use of power which can be unstated due to care relationship communication which is less likely to be ineffective due to reasons of:
- The client or service user may feel scared but also down of feeling intimidated by the care worker where there maybe avoidance of withdrawn.
- The service user may feel distraught of feeling down such as low self-esteem where the service user may feel of being controlled and manipulated.
- Service user who are usually controlled or dominated by the care work are unable to make decision or choice.
Care service users can minimise the risk and abuse of power as a barrier of effective communication by:
- Valuing and respecting individual’s rights but also the identity of the individual.
- Using the usage of authorisation such as service users to enable choice of making decision of their own lives much as possible.
- Making notice of being aware of the code of conduct which is put in place to be followed by all care practitioners.
- Using appropriate non-verbal and verbal communication when communicating to the service user.
- Asking permission before exceeding the task or activity which involve the care user.
Uphold certain secure information when talking certain issues which involve service users, certain individuals feel they have more confidence when discussing certain information but only if they are reassured about the confidentiality of keeping the information secure.
Barriers associated with drugs:
If under controlled of drugs and alcohol it’s more likely to impair the persons mind by not communicating effectively. Through the influence of drugs and alcohol you are not able to receive or keep information that are usually communicated to you while being influenced by drugs and alcohol when you are unable to receive messages its more likely to make you feel confused, frustrated and angry.
Care service users can usually overcome the impact of alcohol and drugs for those individuals ability to act and talk effectively which involves:
- Giving the individual who is influenced by drugs and alcohol to express his thoughts and but also feeling by knowing what is on their mind.
- Use clear oral communication with clear language without using jargon or slang.
- Being calm mannered when talking to the individual by talking in a slow pace to the individual.
- Noticing by taking adequate protection by the individual’s non-verbal communication is not threating by what they say.
- Knowing and understanding the individuals’ words while communicating to you.
- Making notice of the individual’s non-verbal communication.
Barriers which are related towards personality, self-esteem, anxiety and depression:
Individuals who suffer with low self-esteem or individuals who experience anxiety or also depression may feel they are being excused by feeling attached but also feel incapable of doing an activity on a day to day basis which challenges there confidence. Those individuals who suffer with lack of confidence usually feel low and think negative about them whereas this can also affect them by interacting with others but also when communicating. Care service users can usually overcome these barriers by associating personality, self-esteem, anxiety, by providing support for example:
- Creating a supportive friendship which will help the individual’s self-esteem.
- Focusing on the individual’s weakness to boost their confidence.
- Inspire the individual to feel encouraged by setting targets for himself to feel encouraged for his future.
- Keeping information secure to show support and act with individual’s effort to make him communicate effectively with other people.
Barriers associated with sensory impairment:
An individuals who has heating, visual, or speech impairment which usually affect their ability to be able to communicate effectively with certain individuals who suffer with hearing and visual impairment are unable to sometime receive messages that usually convey ether through verbal or non- verbal when overcoming these barriers which associate sensory impairment or disability care service workers can provide.
- Taking notice by assessing the individuals care need for example there may be special required assessment but also practitioner.
- Asking the person verbally of written form to ask how they would like to be communicated to and what aids they would need.
- Using their own communication approach to feel comfortable when communicating
- Using professional help such as interpreter or a signer for the individuals chosen structure of communicating is BSL, Makaton or a different non-verbal language.
Noticing by being aware of the surrounding of the individuals communication needs by making sure the lighting is adequate, the background noise is low but also the seating arrangement is good but also organised for instance.
Barriers associated with aggression and submissiveness:
Individuals who become aggressive are usually scared or stressed. Due to this contrast those individuals who feel left out or subdued whey they feel down but also mistreated. Within both of these outcomes the individual’s stance to join in and talk effectively is usually effected. Anger can usually escalate quickly to a certain point where the individuals anger may stop them from anguishing in a two way process of communication due to this course anyone who is subdues may not be able to express their thoughts but also state there rights to gain access to support the services.
Care service individuals can overcome these problems relating to anger and submissiveness by:
- Being able to use own verbal and non-verbal communication skills in a calm manner not in augmenting way.
- Noticing by being aware of using clear straight objectives when communicating with those individuals who are aggressive but are also supported towards those who are temperamental.
- Being aware of the surroundings the space, lighting and space are able to defuse or escalating aggressive situations.
- Allowing individuals to take care of certain situations which they may find stressful.
- Being aware of noticing physical contact of getting into arguments is a way of hitting back.
- Using certain factors such as reflective listening to understand the individual needs by reassuring them that their perspective is taken seriously but also valued
Argyle, M. (1967) The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour, Penguin, Harmondsworth
Bales, R.F. (1970) Personality and Interpersonal Behaviour, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York
Burnard, P. (1992) Communicate! Edward Arnold, London
Tuckman, B.W. (1965) ‘Developmental sequences in small groups’, Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384–99
Moonie,N (2010) Health and Social Care Level 3 Book 1, Developing Effective Communication in health and social care Page 1 to 1