The Police Act
There are a number of acts that order police activity. The Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 allows the taking of fingerprints and DNA samples in an effort to crack down on anti-social behaviour.. It also allow for CRB (Criminal Record Bureau) for changes to happen e.g adding or removing a record information ..
The Sexual Offences Act
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 created new provisions concerning sexual offences, their prevention and protection of children from harm. Among other things, the act: classified any sexual intercourse with a child aged 12 or younger as rape created a number of offences related to ‘intent’, including a new offence targeting drinks spiking redefined sexual assault as intentional sexual touching without consent, which includes touching any part of the body, clothed or unclothed, by either a body part or an object.
The care act Standards act
The Care Home Regulations form the basis of the inspections upon which the registration of a home is based, this is to ensure that care home a keeping the high standard lining environment for its residents .To ensure high standard of care is given to services users in Care services
The mental capacity ACT
The Mental Health Act 1983 sets out how a person can be accessed to be detained and treated in hospital against their wishes. The act covers the rights of people while they are detained, how they can be discharged from hospital and what aftercare they can expect to receive. This act applies in England and Wales.
The Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 was fully implemented in 2009. It outlines what should happen when adults are unable to make decisions for themselves, perhaps because of a learning disability, dementia or mental health problems. how a person’s capacity to take a decision should be assessed who can take particular decisions on someone else’s behalf when and how a decision can be taken when and how people who lack capacity to take decisions about their care and welfare can be deprived of their liberty to get the care they need in a hospital or care home. The final point in the list above was introduced in April 2009.
Data Protection Act 1998
In health and social care settings, personal information should be secure Personal information, like address, medical record, can be abused if the privacy information is misused e.g addresses can misused giving unauthorised awareness of empty homes, which is a security issue. The Data Protection Act also states that medical records should not be destroyed. When a service user dies, a time limit is given before destruction of records is allowed, in case of they may be required in court .The issue that people person a record are keep under lock and key or password protected computers.
The Disability Discrimination Act
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, amended in 2005, promotes the rights of people with disabilities and protects them from discrimination.
The Race Relations Act
The Race Relations Act 1976, amended in 2000, makes it unlawful to treat a person less favourably than another on racial grounds. This includes race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), and national or ethnic origin.
The Human Rights Act
The Human Rights Act 1998 protects rights given under the European Convention on Human Rights.