Unit 2 - Section B - Factors that positively affect health and well-being

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Section B

Factors that positively affect health and well-being

4 factors that positively affect Emma’s Health and Well-being are:

  • Stimulating work
  • Adequate financial resources
  • Supportive relationships
  • Adequate sleep and rest

Stimulating work

Stimulating work involves a job/career that allows a person to use their expertise to develop new skills and knowledge. Emma recently started work as a dental nurse; she enjoys working here because of the other colleagues she works with and the challenges she is sometimes faced with. Emma has applied to go to college later on this year, she wants to gain the qualifications that are suitable for the job that she has now, so that eventually she will be able to promote to the best of her ability. Emma’s job motivates her and stimulates her mind because she comes across different situations and problems everyday and she is engaged in activity of some sort almost all the time during her time at work. She has to prepare the dentists equipment, chemicals such as pastes and injections for each patient, and after each patient she has to disinfect all tools and equipment thoroughly, she also has to book appointments and arrange treatments for all the patients and has to cash the intake of money at the end of each day.


It affects her physically by keeping her moving around and not sat about all day, this keeps her mind off eating junk food, this way she is burning calories and avoiding pointless intake of calories. It also provides her with financial security; her income is suitable which allows her to afford luxuries alongside her essentials.


It affects her intellectually by keeping her mind stimulated because she has to concentrate all the time and she is constantly developing new skills and expanding her knowledge because she is dealing with different patients with different problems everyday.


It would affect her emotionally by making her feel she is respected by her colleagues and people at home for having a job and contributing to the community. She would feel she has a purpose and that she has a role in life. It gives her day a routine, so giving her confidence and self-esteem.

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It affects her socially by providing her with new friends from work. They also do team-building outings occasionally; Emma is therefore meeting with other colleagues from dentists around the UK and having time to socialise with them. Her working hours are usually 8 – 5/6, this gives her time to see her family, boyfriend and other friends after work.

Adequate financial resources

Income is the amount of money that comes into our home; an adequate income is enough money or more than enough money to finance bills and the necessities of life. Through working as a dental ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a very good essay that discusses various factors, attempts to inter-relate their effect on health and well being and then includes some research to support this. It flows very well and is a very good attempt. The writer could extend a little when discussing how factors affect well-being. A little more discussion of the impact would raise the level of the writing. ****