Jade Hannah - Year 10 – PSHE


                        Youth Employment

Wilf: - Accurate and informed responses-write in prose

1| What is the definition of youth employment?

Employment rights in the UK differ by age, with younger  afforded extra protections, depending on their age. There are restrictions too though, with the youngest prohibited from doing certain jobs, and other conditions like lower minimum wage rates.

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2| Are young people entitled to more rest breaks than adults- give details?

The rest breaks provided under the  for young workers aged 16 and 17 are more generous and rather more frequent than for adult workers.  The law provides for an uninterrupted break of at least thirty minutes for young workers who work for four and a half hours or more.

3| Is night work allowable for youth employees?

There are special rules for young workers aged 16 and 17. Young workers may not ordinarily work at night between 10pm and 6am, or between 11pm and 7am if the ...

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