Individual Needs in Health & Social Care

Unit 3: Individual Needs in Health & Social Care Instruction: What is this unit about? The aim of this unit is to the aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills related to meeting individual needs. Knowledge and understanding of the needs of individuals is fundamental to delivering effective health and social care. Assessment of the needs of individuals is necessary before a plan can be developed to meet their needs. In this unit learners will explore different needs in relation to MASLOWS hierarchy of needs and consider how needs may vary at different life stages. The unit requires learners to gather relevant information from an individual to enable identification of the general needs of an individual and to use the information from this assessment to develop a plan to improve the individual’s general health and wellbeing. Scenario: you are a trainee health and social care support worker. You have been asked your supervisor to prepare a presentation detailing an action plan created by you for an individual that will help them to improve their overall health and well being. Learning outcomes: On completion of this unit a learner should: . Know everyday needs of individuals. 2. Understand factors that influence the health and needs of individuals. 3. Be able to plan to meet the health and wellbeing needs of an individual.

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  • Word count: 5336
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Cum ajungi la un portofoliu optim de branduri

Cum ajungi la un portofoliu optim de branduri Atingerea unui portofoliu optim de branduri pe o anumita piata este unul dintre obiectivele cele mai dificil de atins, din cauza ca trebuie indeplinite foarte multe criterii, adeseori contradictorii, si nu exista retete general-valabile. Fiecare alternativa are avantaje, dezavantaje si, la extrema, riscurile ei. Daca ai branduri putine si nu acoperi toate segmentele importante ale pietei, pierzi oportunitatea de a castiga cat mai multi consumatori si de a-ti creste vanzarile. Astfel, pe piete, precum cea a detergentilor, multi consumatori cumpara atat un detergent premium pentru lenjerie si hainele copiilor, cat si un detergent ieftin pentru cuverturi. Iar a te cantona pe un singur segment de pret poate fi riscant, fiindca o crestere sau scadere considerabila a puterii de cumparare poate atrage schimbari importante in ponderea segmentelor pietei. Daca ai multe branduri in portofoliu, iti disipezi bugetul de marketing si nu iti sustii suficient brandurile care ar putea creste cel mai mult. Un portofoliu foarte mare de branduri este greu de sustinut si greu de gestionat - fiindca iti genereaza o mare complexitate financiara, in productie si in logistica. Portofoliul optim difera si de la o companie la alta, in functie de bugetul de marketing de care dispune compania si de masura in care are expertiza necesara pentru a face un

  • Word count: 5225
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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The Emotionally Intelligent Team

The Emotionally Intelligent Team Kelley Folkerts Abstract Within the past decade, a new construct, emotional intelligence, has emerged bringing with it great promise for organizations. Emotional Intelligence is defined as the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in the self and others, the adaptive regulation of emotion in the self and others, and the utilization of emotion to facilitate performance (Salovey & Mayer, 1989-90). There exists little empirical research in the literature concerning confirmation of the construct due to lack of objective measures. Regardless of the construct's slow evolution, numerous researchers do insist that emotional intelligence is real and should be a valuable and necessary component of every workforce. The present paper will discuss emotional intelligence's origins, its application to teams, and its training possibilities with the hope that organizations will begin to value its importance. The Emotionally Intelligent Team Emotional intelligence has recently emerged in both academic and popular literature as a concept with the potential to provide new insights into the effect of emotion on human interaction. One type of interaction frequently found in the organizational context is that of team members. Numerous organizations are in the process of converting over to a team based approach, and because of this, emotional intelligence

  • Word count: 5170
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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What are the essential qualities of a good Montessori teacher, and why are these essential from the child's point of view?

Montessori St. Nicholas Foundation Course (Birth - 6) Unit No. 13 Assignment 13a: What are the essential qualities of a good Montessori teacher, and why are these essential from the child's point of view? Assignment 13b: Describe in detail the changing demands made on the teacher and how she adjusts her role in the classroom accordingly? Name: Lim C. Chong MSN Student Reference: 4789 Address: 43 Alexander Street Cockle Bay Howick AUCKLAND New Zealand Contents of Assignment 13 Introduction 3 Assignment No: 13a 4 Introduction 4 Role of Montessori Teacher 5 Formal Training 7 Spiritual Preparation 10 Conclusion and summary 14 Assignment No: 13b 16 Demands on the Montessori teacher 17 Establishment of order 18 Discipline vs. Spontaneous activity 19 Before concentration is established 20 Concentration is achieved through a process 21 When Concentration is achieved 22 Conclusion 24 Bibliography 25 Introduction Objective of this document Objective of this document The objective of this paper is to provide the answers for Unit 13, Assignment 13 a & b of the MSN foundation course. This paper is separated into two sections. Each section title contains the Assignment number and the associated question. Document structure and conventions Presentation approach This essay is presented using the Information Mapping presentation style, which is

  • Word count: 5091
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Child development

Child Development Research Task - Unit 2 Jessica Rowell April 2011 Contents • Research task, interpretation, justification and predictions • My research methods and why I have chosen to research Secondary research • what antenatal care is? • The antenatal care team • Screening test • Routine tests • Diagnostics Tests • Positives and negatives of testing • Evaluation of secondary research Primary Research • Interview from mothers • Visits to the doctors surgery • Questionnaire • Survey • Evaluation of primary research Year 10 coursework - Research Task My interpretation I am expected to research the importance of antenatal care and how it can help the mother and her baby throughout the pregnancy so they are healthy and safe. I have then been asked to use my research to create an information pack about antenatal care and what she can expect. Justifying the Research Task I have chosen the research and create an information pack on the importance of antenatal care because I think tests that can be done reassure women that they are safe and healthy so that they can have a happy pregnancy. Antenatal care also allows women to get to know their midwives and ask questions if they have any worries before their delivery date. By creating an information pack this would let the expectant mother know what antenatal care is and how

  • Word count: 5089
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Health and safety in an early years setting. Laws and first aid

CCLD Unit 202 (k2s15) 1. a Child protection polices and procedures, behaviour management policy , health and hygiene policy, equal opportunities policy, parental involvement policy ,safety policy and practice, lost child procedure, outings procedure ,selecting equipment policy and practice, staffing and employment policy. b. It is important to follow procedures as children are at risk from many threats to their safety as they grow up .All settings that offer care and education to children have to have procedures for safety, protection and emergencies. It is possible to eliminate the majority of risks and protect children in your care if these procedures are followed. (k2h16) 2. There are laws governing safety in the U.K FIRE PRECAUTIONS 1997 THE CHILDREN ACT 1989 FOOD HANDLING REGULATIONS 1995 The HEALTH AND SAFTEY AT WORK ACT has clear principles to ensure health and safety at work .Employers and employees have a responsibility for the safety of a workplace. This legislation covers all of the following: * Buildings and services-design and maintenance * Cleanliness of the environment and of food preparation areas * Safe storage and use of equipment * Working practices that promote health and safety * Provision of a safety policy. COSHH. Legislation called COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) covers substances that can cause ill health .Such

  • Word count: 5067
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Cache L2 unit 2. Social Development of Children

D1: Social development means the way in which people begin to develop and build on relationships with there personal, professional lives. The Majority of the children aged 4 usually should be able to know which gender they are. The child should be able to interact with others there age group, they should be able to participate in activities. Children aged 4 usually their speech becomes more clear. Some children at the age of 4 have their opinions early to things and they know there likes and dislikes. Children this age should be able to develop a quantity of everyday words .Social development also means when the child learns what behaviour is acceptable and expected in setting e.g. during snack time ,they can be taught how to share and wait for their meal to be given without hassle which builds up there socializing skills. D2: The main aspects of social developed that children aged 5 years old achieve is Friendship-meeting and choosing their friends that match them and may have similar personalities and may have similar hobbies e.g. tom- do you like tom & jerry tom replied yes its my favour jimmy replied mine to. Dislikes and likes-they should be able to know the activities they enjoy and don’t enjoy and know what subjects they like and don’t like e.g. sashay- I like maths because I like numbers and I am good at numbers. James- I hate maths because numbers gets

  • Word count: 5064
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Jobs in health and social care section. The two job roles which I am going to research and describe are a GP and Receptionist.

The two job roles which I am going to describe is a GP and Receptionist. GP The GP plays an important role in the GP surgery e.g. how the GP surgery is organised, funded and how well the GP surgery is doing which is published annually by the PCT based on views from registered patients. Becoming a GP requires special skills and personal qualities such as: . Strong scientific ability as medicine the field in which the GP is in is a science. 2. Excellent communication skills. This will allow the GP to identify their patients problems accurately which will mean that they will be able to give the necessary treatments. Consequently, this will mean that the GP will have less stress and job satisfaction. Also this is beneficial to the patients too as they will understand the treatment options they have and are more likely to follow the advise due to a good relationship of trust between the patient and GP. 3. Patience. This is because treatment can take a long time. Consequently this can mean that the patient meets the GP on a regular basis hence if the Gp shows patience the patient will also be more relaxed about their treatment. Also, patience is important because the main job of the doctor is to listen to the patients needs carefully and as the patient has not undergone full medical training like the GP they would take longer understanding the solutions to their problem.

  • Word count: 5013
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Unit 1, Basic Analyse of clients 1 and 2

Client 1 Profile Name: Client 1 Age: 38 Life stage: Adulthood ?Client 1 profile case study My first client is a female. She is 38. in her adulthood. She lives in a four bedroom house in Manchester. She actually really likes her neighbourhood, because for her it's perfect, really quite. She's been living there for five years. She lives with her husband and her two sons. Her husband is 53. He has been married before and had three children with his ex wife. She doesn't eat healthy. The only exercise that she takes is when her husband has to use her car once a week and then she has to take a five minute walk to work. When she was a teenager she used to be really thin, even that she's been always eaten junkie food. But then comes the adulthood, the marriage, the kids and the real weight as well. She smokes almost a pack per day, and drinks an amount of 5 can of beer in every week and in the weekend the amount really increases. The only operation that she had was the caesarean labour. She has got a degree in Business and she has her own Translations Company that she worked really hard to build it. She has got many people working for her. She started to work as an assistant in a big company of telesales, it was too stressing but she has always been really hard working. She was gaining experience, and she started to plain about her own company. she met her husband and he

  • Word count: 4966
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Observe an individual child and see what stage they are at in their emotional and social development.

Introduction The aim of this child study is to observe an individual child and see what stage they are at in their emotional and social development. To carry this study out I shall observe a particular child through a period of time. I am going to look at friendship, gender, play, moral development and self and identity of the child and also find out the child's individual character. To assess these aspects I will study the child by asking him/her questions, carrying out activities and observing the child interacting with other children through play. I have chosen to observe a girl called Maria. She is five years of age. Maria lives with her mum, dad, older brother and two older sisters. Maria attends St Gregory's catholic primary school and is currently in reception class. Maria's ethnic background is Pakistani and she can speak two languages, which are English and Urdu. st Visit Aim 1: to find out the character of Maria and what are her interests ) What do you like to do? 2) What games do you like to play? 3) What are your favourite TV programmes? 4) What is your favourite book? 5) What is your favourite colour? From asking Maria the questions above, I found out quite a lot of information about her; Maria likes to draw, paint, colour, play with her dolls (Barbie's), play games with her sisters such as snakes-and-ladders, ludo and hide-and-seek. Regarding TV

  • Word count: 4918
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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